A Storm is Coming

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"What the fuck did you do?" Penelope repeats, barging into the house as she pushes past me, grabbing Zion by his shirt as she tugs him down to her height. "You little bastard, how the hell could you be so foolish, so delusional, so - so," Penelope is at a loss of words, shaking her head as she looks back to me. Letting go of Zion, she approaches me with hesitation, reaching out her hand as her fingers lace through my hair, playing with the locks as she twirls them around her fingers. She places a hand delicately upon my cheek, fingers running over my skin as she presses gently, as if to see if her fingers will fall through my skin like a ghost. "What black magic did this?" 

"That black magic was honored," Zion comments, defending his actions as Penelope shakes her head, laughing as she turns to him. 

"Black magic is never honored. Did your mother teach you nothing about the ways of witches who practice this form of...darkness? Witches who dare sell their soul to the devil to practice magic of demons are never to be trusted." 

"I knew what I was signing up for." 

"Of course, because you were so blind. All you wanted was to hold your wife again because you missed her puppy love. You decided letting witches of dark magic raise your wife from the dead was much better than just accepting she was gone like a normal person would," Penelope snaps, her anger focused at Zion as I find myself in a situation I never wanted to be in. But I should have know that asking for Penelope to come here was not going to be a smooth ride. I know the woman Penelope has always been, I know she is someone who does not back down, even if they were once her king. "You thought the natural laws of life and death should not apply to you because you were an Alpha King." 

"That is not-"

"That is what it was, Zion," Penelope interrupts, her voice raised as she glances over to me. "And poor Sybil here was once again just an observer in the world she was brought into." 

"Sybil, did you want to be back here, alive?" Penelope asks, turning the conversation back to me, putting me on the spot. 

Zion tells me I don't need to answer that, but I know I am not the Sybil I once was. I cannot just be an observer of my own life anymore. "I did not want to be brought back, hell, I did not even remember who I was at first," I reply, watch as Penelope nods, "but I have come to remember my past life, to learn of who I was and who Zion was. What has been done cannot be reversed without death, it is that simple." 

"But Zion went against your will once more." 

"He was wrong in doing so," I agree with Penelope, for I know he was wrong to bring me back, "but we have to move past that fact that he did what he did. I have had to move past that fact because, if I did not, I would be stuck in a loop of hating him and hating myself." 

We walk into the living room, Penelope fulfilled with my answer for the time being as she takes a seat on the sofa and I stand by the fireplace, looking outside the window as I wonder where the conversations tonight will take us. I want to ask Penelope how she has been, how her pack has been, and the things you ask a friend when you have not seen them in years, but the tensions in the air tonight tell me that this is not the time for those sorts of questions. 

"No place is safe," Penelope comments as those eyes stare at me. "Hunters will look for you, vampires will come for your blood, witches will come for your organs, dwarves will be after your eyes and hair, and enemies of Zion will be after your life." Keva warned me of this, but did not mention the specifics of what these species would want me for. "Why ask for me to come here?" 

"It would be nice to have a friend, someone to offer help along the way, information, and perhaps even protection if it came to it," I reply, "and I know what I ask for is a lot, especially since Zion and I no longer hold titles and if word gets out of my existence then people will be after me." 

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