Game of Survival

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The night is silent, the moonlight flooding into the room as the moondust floats in the beams of the glowing light, a peaceful dance as they float about. Turning over, I grab the covers with my body as the body beside me stirs, his arm pulling back from being draped over my torso as he rolls over to his side.

Ever since Penelope informed me that she held a meeting with her warriors and told them what was happening, I have been unable to sleep, stressed as I feel like everything is moving so fast that I cannot enjoy the little moments. My hand moves to my chest, feeling the faint beating of my heart as the thumps still scare me a bit, for I have no explanation for why I can feel my heart beating again. It happened the moment Zion spoke that three words and my heart has never been the same, able to beat in my chest as I want to find out why. My wolf came back when I was in rage, allowing me to run off my anger into the forest. My heart was able to beat again when Zion told me he loved me. Perhaps it is some sense of deep meaning, as if some sort of fairytale, for the wolf side of people comes out when they are angry and love is an emotion associated with the heart. Perhaps it is all some sort of deep meaning that is taking form in my rebirth.

Sliding my legs out from under the covers, I sit up on the mattress, my body illuminated in the moonlight as I look over my shoulder to see Zion sound asleep in his bed, resting peacefully as his black locks fall into his face with an effortless wave to them. I take in a deep breath, trying to relax as I know I will be grumpy without my sleep. Grabbing my shirt from the floor, I pull it over my head and begin to get dressed, grabbing my pants from the chair by the window. As I get up, Zion stirs once more in his sleep, groaning as he rolls over to his stomach and faces away from me.

I head for the door, making sure to be quiet as I close it behind me and walk down the stairs. Zion told me he did not want to join the fight, that he was not willing to risk both of our lives. I want to fight, I want to take part in a battle which I helped gather forces for in the background, that I helped to get men and women to fight to try and save the kingdom. If, at the end of all things, I watch the ash fall from the once standing palace and land into the lake, I will never forgive myself. I would have asked Penelope to call upon many warriors to fight this battle, only to perish, and I would never have forgiven myself. If Penelope leads her army of warriors and other pack warriors and they are able to defend the palace and make sure Lily is unable to get her revenge, then I will be glad to stand tall and watch Penelope get the glory, for I would have helped protect the palace which Zion's family has lived in for centuries and I found myself once beginning a new life in. I know Zion would never be able to forgive himself if the palace was burned and he was not there protecting it, like a captain going down with his ship.

Sitting on the bottom of the stairs, I run a hand through my hair as I look to the front door. I can still recall the moments of joy as Zion whisked me away like some fairytale,  showing me a new side to the kingdom I grew up in, and while decorating me in grand dresses and expensive jewels were nice moments, I will always be thankful for the simple things which we experienced together. I would rather go down together than let one of us perish while the other is left to roam this earth for years to come.

"Can't sleep?"

Turning around, I look to Zion standing at the top of the stairs, wearing a simple pair of pajama pants, and putting on a shirt as he begins to walk down to me.

"I am scared," I speak, my voice a whisper as Zion takes a seat beside me.

"Everyone is who has just heard they will be fighting a battle when Lily's pack is headed towards the palace," Zion confirms, trying to relieve some of my stress as I only shake my head.

Placing my head in my hands, I pinch the bridge of my nose as my lips purse together. "Would you rather not be one of them? Defending the walls of the palace which you and your ancestors grew up in and living in? Would you be able to forgive yourself if you were not there on the battlefield when it all went down?"

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