A Queen's Head

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I toss and turn, my mind unable to push away all the questions running through it as I try and calm myself down. The sun has just begun to rise, the sheets tangled around my legs due to my restless night, my brain pounding in my head as I want to ask all of those questions. Zion had left in the middle of the night from my bed, going to his own bed, due to how little sleep he was able to get because of me. I have witnessed my sleep begin to decline in hours the more the tensions rise and I only expect for this next night to get worse as Penelope said she would make her way back to Zion and me before going to her pack.

If there were an Alpha I would want to read a biography about, it would be Penelope, for she defeated odds to become one of the first female Alphas who did not get their title because their mate or husband died. She was given the title of Alpha without being married, never claiming the title of Luna as she believed her intellectual mind would better suit that of an alpha than the submissive partner. For centuries Lunas have been seen as the leader without a voice, in the shadow of their husband as only a few would come to rise up and do something great with their lives. Over the last few decades, more Lunas have come to power in their packs, having more say and being in the war room with their husbands as they debate battle strategies.

Penelope tore apart enemies as she claimed her title, gaining the respect of her traditional pack as they knew they could not force her to take the role of Luna.

I have always looked up to Penelope because I wanted to do something like that in my life. I was once shy, allowing myself to be rejected by own mate as I did not put up a fight and was made rogue. I sat in the audience and observed my own life unfold around me as Zion brought me back to the palace and showed me his world. Slowly I began to develop my own sense of pride and strength, standing up for myself and speaking up for those who could not, but I always lacked a backbone and reassurance, for I was always naive. The kingdom loved me as their Queen, the mourned me for weeks, and they hurried me among some of the greatest queens in history because I was a rogue as well. The public never saw a childish and foolish queen and they will never know that it took my own death to become the leader which they deserved.

It took my own demise to become the strong woman I always wanted to be.

Yet here I am, facing the odds yet again as I am to go to battle with Zion at my side. Death does not scare me, for I have died before and know how peaceful the afterlife can be, but I am scared to leave this world. I am not scared of the pain of death, the pain of no longer existing, but I will fight for the things that could be if I live. If I live and if Zion lives, we go on to be with one another as we planned, to marry, to have a child, and to spend the rest of our days together. I am fighting for the continuation of the kingdom and for the future Zion and I may have.

I am standing up for something I believe in and not backing down like the women I once was when Zion first met me. My parents would have been proud of the woman I have become, not because I married the ruler of the kingdom, pulled the rogues together with Zion's men to fight his last war, but because I have finally found the strength within me.

Getting out of bed, I get dressed for the day and head for the kitchen, preparing myself a small breakfast as I can hear Zion beginning to wake up upstairs. The smell of toast and fresh jam awakens my senses as I bite into the food and look out the window to the trees which sway gently in the wind. The world seems peaceful today, preparing itself for the bloodshed to come.

"Scouts spotted Lily's army training and witches arrive as well," Zion announces, coming into the room as I take in a calming breath. Lily is preparing to march to the palace and begin her battle. "Penelope's scouts said it looks like the army will be leaving within the next day or so."

I do not reply and decide to finish up my breakfast, wanting to get in a filling meal before I talk about Lily.

"So it begins," I comment, looking up to Zion as he takes a seat across from me. "Things are becoming more real by the day."

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