True Colors

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The moment the plane lands, my head rolls to the side as I look out the window to see the familiar green fields of the countryside. A car waits for us as the private jet comes to a stop and the pilot informs we we can go ahead and unload. Already, I miss the peaceful realm of the elves, for Keva's kind made a haven for those who need it, and I was unable to stay longer.

I knew I needed to take things step by step, and this is me now doing these things with Zion at my side. He has talked with me a few times since we left the elf realm, our conversations brief as they were forced interacts. I told him we had to return back here for him to fulfill the promise he made Fiona. Something tells me he already knows we must have a child, for he knew the only reason Keva would help was for that fact.

The fiery red head waits for us at the car, her hands covered by leather gloves, and her attire formed of black material fitting for such a witch as herself. She knows why we have returned so early and by the faint smile tugging at her lips, I know she is not here to threaten me anymore. "The moon will be out soon," Fiona comments, helping me with my bags as she speaks to Zion.

"I know the time restrictions," Zion informs Fiona with a stern voice, his eyes glancing at me, those golden eyes reminding me of the day we met, for they were beautiful then and still are. "I have brought items needed from the elves as well."

"Then you are indeed prepared."

We all get into the sedan, our luggage loaded up, and our trip over as Fiona begins the drive back to her coven's home. "My sisters will be there to witness the spell breaker." I remain a simple observer in their conversation, the two of them discussion details of where it will be preformed and how long it could take. I revert to fiddling my thumbs for entertainment, looking out the window as I tune out the two of them. Soon enough, the stone house comes to view with the shrubbery and vines growing along the house, other cars parked outside the house as I know these must be the fellow sisters of her coven.

The car comes to a stop and we all hop out and I grab my own luggage, making my way to the front door as a dozen or so women cloaked in dark colors stare back at me, their eyes all different bright colors as they have a distinct look to each one of them. I walk down the hallway, their eyes still focused on me as their voices are mere whispers as I pass out of view and soon enough out of ear. Entering into the familiar room, I place my luggage on the bed and proceed to open it.

A foreign item I did not pack lies on the folded stack of my clothes, a note from Keva attached as I observe the item, wondering why she thought to give it to me. What seems to be a simple golden ring band with a dark sapphire placed between golden leaves carved with detail into the ring, something tells me this gift from Keva is far from just a piece of jewelry. I take the note Keva wrote me and read her cursive handwriting.

To protect you against unwanted enchantments

Picking up the ring, I place it upon my right middle finger for where it fits, admiring the detail and beautiful of such a simple yet powerful gift from the elf.

A soft knock at my door causes me to hide the note in my jacket's pocket and turn to face the male standing in the doorway. Zion stares back at me, his face shadowed in the entrance of the room as those eyes seem to glow in the darkness. "We should probably discuss where we go after tonight." Nodding, I take a seat on the lumpy bed, wondering what Zion has planned for the two of us now. "I was hoping the elves would take us in but they do not favor dark magic."

"Why can we not return to the kingdom? To one of your family estates or seek shelter in the palace? Just because you renounced the title does not mean you lose connections," I point out, wondering what could be so bad about seeking help back home.

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