New Beginnings

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I begin walking back towards the house, my body emerging from the woods as Zion's golden eyes are trained on me, shock written across his face as he watches my wolf approach him rather than my human form. I had been gone for an hour or two, running trough the forest, before deciding to return back before the sun would set. Zion kneels down before me, reaching out his hand as I allow him to run his fingers through my coat of fur, his fingers grasping my thick coat as he looks my wolf deep in the eyes. I can still see the pain in his eyes from earlier, the look of a man who knew he truly screwed up in what he did. Leaning his forehead forward, he rests his against mine as he takes in a deep breath, closing his eyes tightly as he lets go of my fur. "Fiona said this was not possible...she did not bring back your wolf," Zion mumbles to himself, his voice shaky as he looks to me, his eyes watering as I begin to shift back to human form, my bones snapping as soon enough I am left in the nude of my human form.

Immediately, Zion takes off his jacket and hands it to me to cover up. His eyes barely linger long enough as I put on the jacket and pull it tight around my body. "I have no explanation except the goddess herself gifted you the soul of your wolf back."

"I have missed the feeling of running through the woods," I comment, looking back to the forest as Zion steps back from me, still unsure of just how close he can get to me. "I forgot what freedom felt like, to run as my paws dig into the mud and dirt."

We walk back to the house, Zion rushing to my room to gather me a change of clothes as I head to the bathroom. As I am given the clothes and shut the door, I look at the mirror, towards my eyes as I begin to concentrate on pushing my wolf out, my eyes darkening as she begins to come forth. My canines begin to pick at my lips, hair spurting out of my skin as I look at the small transformation before a knock at the door makes me come to a stop and stay in human form. Changing into a pair of jeans and shirt, I exit the room to see Zion leaning against the wall as he looks to me. "You used to run though the royal grounds with me at the palace before all of this," he recalls, reminding me of the underground tunnels which ran to the royal grounds where we would go on evening runs and often swim in the river past the treeline together.

"I do not know what happened." I do not, for one second I was filled with range and the next I was shifting into my wolf. It did help me to release stress, to forget what caused me to be so angry, and to make me feel free. But now I find a bitter taste in my mouth once more as I look at Zion, remembering everything he did.

"I know what I did has hurt you, Sybil," Zion begins, pushing off the wall. "I know what I did cannot be undone, but if we do not push past this then we will be stuck in this loop forever."

"I cannot simply forget what you did," I snap, feeling my wolf surface already. I begin to walk away from Zion, knowing I cannot allow myself to lose control here and let my wolf come out. "No one can simply forget what you did, especially the families of those you massacred."

I head for my room, twirling the ring around my finger from Keva as I recall how, while everything else I wore was torn off while I shifted, her ring transformed with my body, elongating into a bracelet which wrapped around my front leg so it would not simply be broken in transformation. Looking over my shoulder, I see Zion standing in the center of the hallway leading up to me, my fingers grasping the knob of the door as I shut the door with a softness, our eyes connected as I shut him out.


The next few days are a blur, my mind wrapping around everything Zion has done as his words repeat over and over again in my head. He is right, we cannot move on if I am stuck on what he did. Lily Maxwell learned to love someone like Zion, but Nixon was willing to change in his ways for her, to protect her, and to show mercy to others in the process. Zion showed me love and care in the palace, but what hurts me is that he told me those dark days died when Lillian did as well. Zion lied to me and continued to massacre others while he came home to me at night.

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