Chapter 17

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"Cameron Dallas, what the fuck was that?" I yelled. At this point I don't care who hears me.

"Don't try and deny you don't like me," He says trying to defend himself.

"No, I don't! I never did! And I never will," I say, my voice slightly breaking at the end.

"That's shit and you know it," Cam says sternly, edging closer.

"Just get out," I say quietly, this is too much stress.


"GET THE FUCK OUT," I yell. He cowers and then walks out of the room.

Like who the fuck does he think he is? Am I overreacting? I feel like I am.

Like damn, these boys are great but this is just so much to handle. And it's only the first day. I have to be here all summer. Fuck. Let's hope the storm gets calmer.

I look at the clock. 10:58pm. I feel sleepy, my eyes starting to feel heavy. I potter over to my still not unpacked suitcase and find my pyjama shorts and shirt. I slip them on then swan dive onto my bed.

The mattress is soft and devours me into it. 

"Fuck," I say out loud. I forgot to brush my teeth. I climb out of the comfortable bed and zombie walk towards the bathroom. I fish my toothbrush and toothpaste out from the little wash bag and start brushing my teeth. Theres a quiet knock at the door. For fucks sake. I open the door to the bathroom and turn right towards the door. Before opening it I look through the peephole and see a rough looking Nash. 

"Yes?" I say through the door, still with my toothbrush in my mouth. 

"Hey, can i come in?" Nash says, looking up at me through the peephole.

"I'm kind of busy at the moment bro," I say taking the toothbrush from my mouth.

"5 minutes, please," He says, 

"One sec," I go back into the bathroom and spit the contents of my mouth into the sink, wipe my mouth on a towel then go and open the door for Nash. 

"What do you want because I was just about to go to bed," I say, walking away from the door and into the main part of the room. 

"I just wanted to talk, I can't sleep because Cam's kind of going batshit," My heart slightly jumps at the mention of Cameron, I dont know why..

"Whats he doing?" I ask worriedly

"He's trashing everything and yelling at himself, I think hes posessed," Shit, Is this because of me? 

"I'm surprised you can't hear it," He adds. 

"Do you know whats up with him," I ask nervously,

"No, I'm kind of worried," Well, at least he doesnt know. 

"Is he okay?" I ask blatently. 

"He broke up with his girlfriend this morning," Oh my god.

"Oh my god," I said out loud, bringing my hands over my mouth in shock. 

"But why's he going batshit now?" 

"He broke up with her for you," he says slowly, as the words spill from his mouth my brain turns to mush. I sit on the edge of my bed just staring into the space infront of me. 

"He told me what happened," I literally don't know what to do now, I feel so bad. He broke up with his girlfriend for me and I basically told him to fuck off. 

"I feel so bad now," Nash stays silent. 

"What should I do?" I look up at him. 

"You should talk to him," He suggests.

"I was so rude to him earlier, I dont think he'll talk to me," I said mutely

"Just try," He said calmly.

I stood up and prepared to face a distressed Cameron. I walked passed Nash and out of the door, which he didnt close.. 

I took one step and I was outside Cam and Nash's room. The door was open and I heard a disgruntled yell of anger. I knocked on the door. 

"FUCK OFF NASH!" Yelled Cameron. I took one step into the room and peered around the corner. Cam's tear stained face was lying face down on his bed, the room was completely trashed. Pillows and covers on the floor, Clothes all over the place. 

"Cam?" I said softly, trying not to anger him further. He immediately turns around and looks at me.

"What do you want?" He remarked.

"I am so, so sorry," I said, sitting on the edge of his bed. 

"I didnt mean what I said," I added, trying not to sound patronising and treating him like a 5 year old having a hissy fit. 

"Stop," He said angrily, wiping tears from his face.

"No, I was being a bitch, I was in a bad mood and I didnt mean what I said," I said as I tried to justify what I said.


"Yes, I know, and I am sorry, I feel absoutley terrible about that," I declared as I attempt to edge closer. 

"You know what Charlie?" He mutters

"I really liked you, enough to drop everything in the hopes you'd like me back," He adds, the guilt just building up inside of me. 

"Honestly, I feel fucking terrible about this. I didnt know you liked me that much, I dont know why anyone would like me, I mean I'm not pretty, skinny, or fun to be around-" 

"Charlie, stop putting yourself down, you know its not true, you're amazing, you're not pretty, you're beautiful. You dont have to be skinny and you're more fun than most of the other girls I've met," A single tear rolls down my cheek.

"I do love you, and you know it," I whisper, through my croaky voice.

"I love you too," 

"I need to go to bed Cam," I yawned. 

"Okay, I'll talk to you tomorrow," He replies. I walk over to him and place a kiss on his forehead.

"No more breaking shit yeah?" I add as I walk out the door and back to my place. I walk in and Nash is sitting on my bed on his phone. He looks up at me as I walk in.

"Done? Is he calm?" He asks.

"Yeah, hes fine now," I said calmly,

"Now get out, I need sleep," I said shooing him out of the room,

"Night," He said as he kissed my forehead, like i did to cam. When i hear the door close I once again swan dive onto my bed and drift to sleep. 

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