chapter 8

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We had to get up at 4am for our flight. Its physically painful to wake up that early in any time zone. Kian's alarm went off, he slammed his fist down on his phone to silence the buzzing. I got up from my bed and zombie walked into the bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my teeth, then put all my stuff into my wash bag.

I walked back out of the bathroom and got my clothes from the dresser then walked back into the bathroom. Since we were only going to the airport I wore my oversized crewneck superman jumper and leggings. I don't understand the need for girls to wear designer shit at the airport, like seriously, you're going on a plane not the fucking red carpet.

I walked out of the bathroom again and out my pyjamas in my suitcase. I looked over and saw Kian sprawled out on his bed, shirt half on and jeans half pulled up. He was scrolling through his phone and looking kind of angry while doing it.

"Hurry up," I said, throwing a pilow at him. He looked up from his phone, threw the pillow back and sat up. He pulled his jeans up and his shirt down. Since yesterday he hasn't been the same, he hasnt really talked to me or anyone really. Before he was talking to Jack Johnson a lot but now.. hes just different.

I put the last of my clothes in my suitcase and unplugged my phone from its charge.

"C'mon, lets go." I said, as we both made our way down to the lobby. As we stepped out of the lift we were greeted by all of the boys, standing around.

"There she is!" Yelled Cameron as they all ran towards me. My instant reaction was to run. I bolted towards the lift, but Jack G grabbed my waist before i could.

"You aren't going anywhere," He smiled as pulled me into a big bear hug. All the other boys soon piled in.

"I'm gonna miss you guys," i said, as Jack hugged me tighter. I'm pretty sure someone touched my butt again, thats the second time thats happened with these boys.

Nash, Cam, Jack G, Matt and Jacob all drifted to the side and created a little circle.

"Hey, Charlie, can we talk?" Jack said as he ushered me to the circle they had made. I made my way over to them, I never really know what to expect from these guys.

"We're gonna miss you, like a lot." Matt said, as he smiled.

"Awh, I'm gonna miss you too,"

"but you need to promise us one thing," Jack G said.


"You need to stop cutting," Cameron said,

"Its not a healthy thing to do and it hurts us to see you like that," he continued.

"plus, even though we've only known eachother for a few days, we still love you," Nash said.

"well, i do anyway." Jacob said,

I love these guys so much, I wiped a tear from my eye and pulled them all into a hug.

"I love you guys too," I said. I haven't said that in a while. It feels good to know that these guys do actually care about me. The hug expanded and we all let go of each other.

"I should go," I said, as I looked over at Kian, still on his phone.

"At least let me drop you to the airport," Said Jack, as he picked up my suitcase that Carter knocked over during the group hug.

"Okay, sure." I said as I went over to get Kian.

"C'mon you lazy shit, Jack's taking us to the airport," I said as I smacked the back of his phone, causing him to drop it on his face.

"Ah, shit!" He exclaimed, rubbing his face. He stood up and grabbed his suitcase. The three of us made our way to the door.

"Bye guys, love you all," I waved as Jack wheeled my suitcase to his car.

I got in the front and waited for Kian and Jack to get in the car.

The front door opened and Jack got in.

"You okay babe?" He asked, what is it with these guys and pet names for me.

"I'm good," I said as Kian got in the back of the car. Immediately plugging in his headphones.

As Jack started the car, I turned in the radio. Which Jack immediately turned back off again.

"Hey!" I yelled.

"No, I need to talk to you," I swear to god, if this boy does or says anything remotely stupid, I will jump out of the window.

"Yeah?" I said, as I pulled my phone out of my pocket.

"I'm sorry I told Nash about you, I really shouldn't have, I'm sorry." He said sweetly placing his hand on my knee.

"It's okay, I overreacted." I said, placing my hand on his.

"So... Jacob huh?" Shit, I hadn't really thought about him. I do really like him but i'm not really ready for anything yet.

"Can you not? Please," I tried to divert the subject.

"He really likes you," Stop it Jack

"But I can't really blame him, I do too" Wait, what? The fuck did he just say? I don't understand why he likes me, I'm just broken beyond repair. Say something Charlie, you're being awkwardly silent.

"You wouldn't if you knew me properly," I said, trying not to be too mean.

We turned a corner and pulled up to the short stay parking lot. He turned off the engine and got out of the car. I turned around clicked my fingers at Kian, he unplugged his headphones, looked around then started to gather his stuff.

I undid my seatbelt and got out of the car. Jack was unloading mine and Kian's suitcases from the trunk. I went over and grabbed my backpack from the trunk to save him a bit of trouble. Then Kian finally got out of the car and joined me and Jack.

"So, this is it," Jack said, looking at me with a look only described as pure sadness.

"Yeah," I said, smiling at him, trying to make him feel better.

"I'll see you in a few weeks,"

"I'm gonna miss you, if you ever feel like doing something that you shouldn't, just FaceTime me, anytime," He said, gesturing me te to give him my phone.

"Fuck a time difference," He continued as he punched in his email to my phone. He handed it back to me.

"Oh my god," I said mockingly, he pulled me into a tight hug, it seemed to last forever, he smells great, i dont know how i havent noticed yet.

"We have to go," I said, muffled into his chest. He let go of me and we waved goodbye for the last time.

I picked up my suitcase and started to walk into the airport.

"WAIT, CHARLIE!" I heard Jack yell. I stopped and turned around. I saw Jack running up to where me and Kian were, although he didnt slow down.

He came and slammed his lips on to mine. It took me a while to figure out what was happening. The kiss was passionate, he placed his hand on my back, deepening the kiss. He finally pulled away.

"I'll see you when you come back,"


A/N. Hey people :)

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Muchas graciãs. xx

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