Love Is Blind

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A/N: This chapter is also kind of Thrill of First Love, which, for obvious reasons, won't have an entire chapter dedicated to itself.

I sat alone in the sitting room, playing chess with myself. Marvin was at work, and Mom was seeing Marvin's psychiatrist, so it was just Whizzer and I at home. I liked it this way. No fighting, just peace and quiet.

"Hey, kid," said Whizzer, walking into the room, grinning at me. He didn't smile like that when Marvin was at home. "You wanna play a game of chess?"

"Sure, Whizzer," I replied, smiling up at him.

We played in silence for a while, before I broke it.

"Whizzer?" I asked. He looked up, about to move a pawn.


"Daddy is a prick."

He looked shocked, to say the least. He put down the pawn before replying.

"Well, Jason, y'know, love is blind, and it can tell a million stories, truly. But it's also unkind, and spiteful in a million ways." Whizzer looked down at his hands, which were now clasped on his lap.

I nodded slowly. "Yeah, I guess so."

A voice sounded from the hallway. "What bullshit are you feeding the kid, Whiz?"

It was Marvin. He must've came in while we were talking, neither of us hearing the door open. I hope he didn't hear what I said about him.

He walked into the sitting room, sitting down on a chair facing the both of us.

"The truth of it is, love is crazy." He looked down, stopping for a moment before looking back up. "But it's also often boring. It stinks, and is pretty often debris. And when you find what you find, you never never never want to do it over again." What the heck did that mean? "Love... reads like a bad biography, wherein all the names are changed to protect the "innocent" or whatever. Love is-"

"Blind." Whizzer interrupted, staring straight at Marvin, not breaking eye contact for a single moment.

I expected Marvin to have some kind of snarky retort, but he simply raised an eyebrow, before standing up, grabbing Whizzer by the arm and dragging him to their bedroom.

I listened to them argue for a while, before they took out their anger towards each other... in other ways.

I hoped Mom would get back soon.

366 words

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