Falsettoland / About Time

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A/N: Oh shit son, two chapters at once. This is more of a filler chapter, honestly, but I needed to fill in the gaps between Act One and Act Two.

Time Skip: One Year Later

I saw Whizzer today. For the first time in a year. I was walking to the shop when I noticed him coming out of a photography studio.

"Whizzer?" I yelled, barrelling towards him.

He turned around, and when he saw me, he broke into a massive grin. "Jason!"

We met in a hug that felt like coming home. I'd missed my best friend.

"Gosh, you've certainly grown!" he said, laughing.

"I missed you, Whizz," I said, still stuck firmly to his side, arms wrapped around him.

"I missed you too, kiddo," he said softly. "And listen, I don't mean to be a prick, but I kinda have to run, I have a meeting with a gallery."

"Are they interested in your photos?" I asked, pulling back. "That's great, Whizzer! Congratulations!"

"Thanks, Jason," Whizzer replied. "I don't wanna have to go another year without seeing you, so here-"

He pulled a scrap of paper out from his pocket along with a pencil, and scribbled something down quickly. "-That's my phone number, so if you ever want to, call me, okay? And feel free to swing by my studio at any time either. It's the bottom floor right here."

He pointed to the building he had just come out of.

"Okay, Whizzer, I sure will!" I exclaimed.

"Right, I've really gotta run," said Whizzer, already walking away, albeit backwards. "I'll see you sometime soon, Jason."

And with that, he disappeared into the crowd.

Time Skip: One Year Later

Things were good. Mom and Mendel were really happy together; I saw Whizzer at least every two weeks, and even invited him to my next baseball game; Dad and I were really getting along.

Dad had moved too, and his next door neighbours, Dr. Charlotte and Cordelia were really nice. Sometimes they babysit me when I was meant to be at Dad's but he had to work later, but I didn't mind. Charlotte was really nice, and always knew the best games, and Cordelia was really funny and a great cook (except for when she tried to cook Jewish food). Cordelia even had her own café! Dad didn't know, but Whizzer actually worked there part time.

I was staying with them, and we were watching a movie together, when Dad came in. I expected him to say I had to go home seeing as it was so late, but he just sat down beside us and we watched the rest of the movie together.

All was well.

Except for the bit where Dad and Whizzer missed each other terribly, but neither one wanted to admit it, so I just avoided the topic altogether. But I had a plan.

449 words

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