I Never Wanted To Love You

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A/N: Are y'all ready for the angst? I don't think you are. Have some anyway.

Mom wiped away her tears, and began speaking to Marvin in a truly sombre tone. "I never wanted to love you, only to love and not be blamed. Just let me go, Marvin. I'm not ashamed to have loved you, but you need to let go."

Marvin seemed to be actually listening for once, actually taking in what people were saying to him. I still couldn't quite believe that he had actually hit Mom. I wasn't sure that I could forgive him for that. I loved Mom more than anything, and he hurt her.

Mendel let me go, and I swayed a little on my feet, not expecting to be let go so suddenly. He turned to Mom, and placing his hand gently on her arm, began to speak. "I love you more than I ever meant to. In my profession, I mean, one's love is meant to remain unexpressed. But here we are. Take my hand. It almost scares me how much I love you, Trina."

Mom took Mendel's hand, holding it tightly in her own, looking at him with love in her eyes. Looking at him in a way I had only ever seen Whizzer look at Marvin back before Marvin started treating Whizzer like absolute crap.

"I hate the world!" I shouted. Everyone else was finally getting a chance to talk, why shouldn't I? "But I love my Dad." I added quietly.

Marvin didn't even seem to register that I had said that. He was looking at Whizzer expectantly, as if waiting for him to begin talking about how much he hated Marvin. I knew that wasn't true. I knew that at one point, Whizzer loved Marvin, and maybe he didn't anymore, but Whizzer was one of those people who just has so much love in his heart. And sure, maybe at one point in he and Marvin's rambunctious relationship Whizzer's morals were more than a little skewered, but he always came back to Marvin. Doesn't that mean anything to Marvin? Doesn't he see that Whizzer actually cared about him, much as he tried to hide it?

"I never wanted to love you," Whizzer stated simply. I could only imagine the look on Marvin's face. "I never wanted some sort of 'till death do we two part' thing. But who cares? You can still be my friend, Marvin. But I guess at the same time..."

He paused, as if working up the courage to finish his sentence. And when he did I think that it threw all of us for a loop. "...how do I start not to love you?"

Whizzer was looking at Marvin, the pain clearly evident in his face. I ran over to him, pushing past Marvin, and engulfing Whizzer in a hug. I didn't want my best friend to be upset. And I definitely didn't want my own father to be the cause of any such sorrow.

Marvin took a moment to collect his thoughts, before turning to face Trina. "I never wanted to love you, either," he said sadly. "I only wanted to see my face in yours. Jason's wild." He directed his next sentence to Mendel. "Help him, please. He adores and hates me." Did he seriously not hear the bit earlier when I said that I loved him? "It really killed me when I found out that you were to be married, Trina. Don't misunderstand, though. I mean, I'm in demand."

He turned to face Whizzer, a hopeful look on his face. "Look, Whizz, I-"

"No," Whizzer said firmly. At this point we had separated, and I simply stood beside him. "You don't get to apologise and have me come crawling back to you. I should have left so long ago. In all honesty, you treat me like a house wife, Marv. I'm not a woman. And I get that you have some sort of internalised homophobia or whatever, but that's no excuse to act like a complete dick. That's no excuse to treat me as though I'm inferior. And it's definitely no excuse for treating Trina that way for years as well. We're both your equal. And now because you couldn't learn to respect that, you've just lot both of us."

With that, Whizzer turned on his heel. There was some shuffling from his room, and within a few minutes, he was gone.

I left Mom, Mendel and Marvin in the living room and walked silently back to my room.

Whizzer was gone. Seemingly for good this time.

749 words

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