Making a Home

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A/N: This is mostly just a filler chapter, and a bit of happiness amid all of the angst.

Mendel was officially moving in with Mom and I, and they were doing my head in with all the redecorating. His books were everywhere, along with a million throw pillows that Mom went out and bought.

The worst thing had to be the cross-stitch beside the front door which read "Visit when you please, you are not required to phone! We'll buy the cheese, God bless our home."

Both Whizzer and I retched at that. He was staying with us for a little while, just until he "gets a few things sorted out", apparently. I hope he stays for a long time, I really like having him here.

Whizzer cam out of the spare room, and smiled when he saw me. It was Saturday, so Mom and Mendel were out on a date. At least I didn't have to stay with the creepy neighbour anymore, I get to stay with Whizzer!

"Hey, Jay, you wanna know what I think we should do?" he asked.

"I dunno, Whizzer," I answered truthfully. I followed him into the kitchen.

Spinning back around to face me, he shouted, "A cake! It'll be really fun, and I wanna say thank you to your Mom for letting me stay with you guys for a little bit!"

I grinned madly. "That sounds like a great idea!"

"I used to make cakes with my Mom a lot when I was younger, so I know a great recipe by heart," Whizzer said. He never really talked about his parents except in offhanded little comments like that. "We need butter, sugar, eggs, flour, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda, milk and vanilla extract." He said it like it was the simplest thing in the world, but it sounded like a whole lotta mumbo jumbo to me.

Nevertheless, Mom seemed to have everything we had need of already in the cupboards, and Whizzer grabbed them, along with a big circular tin, two large bowls, a whisk and a wooden spoon.

He got me to put butter and some kind of weird paper-y stuff in the tin while he mixed together the butter, sugar and eggs together, seemingly measuring by eye.

Putting the paper stuff on was actually kind of fun, as I had to draw around the tin on the paper and cut it out before sticking it into the tin with butter.

"Can you grab the flour?" asked Whizzer. I grabbed it, but it slipped out of my hand going all over the kitchen, Whizzer and I. It seemed to be everywhere except in the bowl.

We laughed, and had a mini snowball/flour fight. Don't ask me how exactly, it just kinda happened.

Eventually, though, we managed to get everything mixed together, before putting it into the tin and then in the oven. The kitchen was a mess, but we laughed as we cleaned up. It was nice to not think about anything and just have fun for once.

By the time we had cleaned up, the cake was ready. Whizzer put on oven gloves before pulling it out. We watched TV until it cooled, and then Whizzer somehow got it out and onto a plate in one piece.

We fell asleep on the couch shortly after, smiles on our faces, but Mom thanked the both of us profusely in the morning.

A/N: Fun fact, I did not just pull what little of the cake recipe is mentioned out of my ass, it's actually the recipe for a cake I like to make.

554 words

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