This Had Better Come to a Stop

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A/N: Wow, Ash, two chapters in a day? Damn right.

Marvin grabbed Whizzer's arm, his features a mask of fury absolute. He dragged him into the kitchen, but Mom and I could still hear the ensuing argument. We listened to them fight (read: Marvin scream at Whizzer) as she held me close.

"You're meant to always be here: making dinner, and set to screw. You're a pretty boy, and that's your job. Not that shit you like to call photography or art or whatever. Your job is to check your hairline, make the dinner and love me! This is going nowhere - and fast, Whizzer. This little thing that we've had isn't going to last for much longer! But don't feel responsible, after all, it's through, right?"

"Hey, I'm not responsible," Whizzer tried to defend himself.

"Life can be wonderful, isn't this wonderful?" Marvin responded. "This had better come to a stop, Whizzer. Now, Whizzer."

Then, all of a sudden, Mom began to walk towards the kitchen door, moving to open it.

"Mom, what are you doing?" I asked, panicked. What if something happened to her? Something happening to Whizzer would be bad enough, but if anything happened to Mom I wouldn't be able to stand it.

"Honey, I've got to help Whizzer," she whispered frantically. "He shouldn't have to face your father alone when he's like that."

And with that, she marched into the kitchen and began ranting about Marvin.

"It isn't like he said, Whizzer. Y'see, you probably hurt his pride. He's got to have everything, or else he acts like a baby who's been denied-"

I ran into the kitchen, worming my way in front Mom and Whizzer. I wasn't going to pass up this chance to finally have my say and tell Marvin what he so desperately needed to hear.

"No, this had better come to a stop, Marvin!" I yelled, interrupting and shocking everybody. "You can't just shout at Mom and Whizzer every time something goes wrong or isn't done exactly to your liking. They're not your slaves! You're not the only unhappy one here. You act as if you're above the rest of us, and that the only person's opinion that matters is your own."

"You've got a temper that redefines temper," Mom stated as if it was the most casual thing in the world.

"Why is always ourselves who have to change?" added Whizzer, in a slightly softer tone than Mom and I.

For a second I thought that Marvin may have actually taken what we said to heart. But no.

"This is incredibly boring," he spat. And with that, he stormed out.

Whizzer and Mom turned to me.

"You're right, kid," Whizzer said, pulling me and Mom into a hug. "This, this... control that Marvin seems to attempt to have over all of us, needs to come to an end."

465 words

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