Jason's Bar Mitzvah

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A/N Hi hello yes we all know what's coming so let's get this shitshow on the shitroad

It had been about a week. Dad and Charlotte still didn't know that I'd overheard them, and I planned to keep it that way.

The big day. My big day, had finally arrived. My bar mitzvah. After I had cooled off, I went to talk to Mom and Mendel, and we decided to have my bar mitzvah in Whizzer's room, so that everyone that mattered could be there.

We were all dressed up, and walking down the halls of the hospital towards Whizzer's room. While this garnered us some strange looks, we were all too excited to care. I burst in through the door, shouting.

"Hey, Whizzer! I thought that we could have my bar mitzvah here!"

Whizzer was sitting on the chair by his bed. He had looked a bit down and morose, but now that everyone was streaming into the room behind me, yelling "Surprise!", his smile could have outshone the Sun.

Mendel and Dad sprung into action, redecorating the room at breakneck speed. Charlotte helped Whizzer over to his bed, while Mom, Cordelia and I set up on the table beside the bed.

"Photo!" yelled Mom suddenly. We all stopped what we were doing and gathered around Whizzer. Mom snapped the photo quickly, before walking off, muttering about flowers. She does that when she's stressed.

Mendel brought a glass of champagne over to Whizzer and poured some out for everyone else but me. He and Dad were having a moment, so I left them to it. Charlotte side-hugged me, smiling. We both knew that this was to be a bittersweet day, but we were going to make the most of it.

"Excuse me if I interfere for just a moment," interjected Whizzer amid the excited buzz. "Since I'm the host, shouldn't it be me who makes the toast to Jay?"

Everyone raised their glasses, exclaiming, "Cheers!"

Whizzer even let me have a sip of his champagne before I was whisked away to get changed. As I got dressed I could hear Mom muttering about flowers again, while Charlotte and Cordelia made small talk about the food.

As I stepped out from behind the curtain, Whizzer smiled, exclaiming "Here he comes!" He looked so genuinely happy.

Dad took me aside and began talking to me. It was a strange moment. Almost like a goodbye of sorts.

"How did you turn out so great, Jason?" he asked me, a sad smile on his face. "Who do I thank for the man that you're slowly becoming? Kid, I don't think you'll ever know how proud I am of you. Of everything you've done. Of how amazing a person you are."

He gave me a quick hug, and then it began. I stepped up as Mendel began to speak. Besides his voice, the room was so silent you could have heard a pin drop. Somehow, we were in a world of our own, outside of the hospital, outside of the city outside. A separate dimension of sorts.

"Son of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob," Mendel began, unnaturally serious. "Son of Marvin, Son of Trina, Son of Whizzer, Son of Mendel-"

"And godchild to the lesbians from next door!" interrupted Whizzer with a shit eating grin. I sent him a small smile back before Mendel encouraged me to begin my part.

I took a deep breath, praying that I wouldn't mess this up. "Vie-eme-low yea-o-leh, heh-oh-non vi-low, ah-yis-is-ooh ay-ysi-ro-ale, ha-ooh low toe vo-o-meem aboh"

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. Whizzer had lurched forward and grabbed me. Dad was just about holding him up.

"Thank you," he whispered. Two words, weighted with so much meaning. So many meanings. So many layers, and so much worth. Dad and Charlotte had to practically carry him away.

The ensuing hours were a blur of movement and pain and sorrow. The only thing that I can remember clearly is the feeling of hot, salty tears rolling down my cheeks as Dad held me, silently crying as he rocked us back and forth. I was vaguely aware of him mumbling over and over, "I'd do it again. And again. And again. And-"

A/N Y'all, if that Hebrew is wrong blame GeniusLyrics, not me

703 words

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