Falsettoland (Reprise)

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A/N Nopenopenopenope

The day of the funeral was overcast. Not raining or sunny. Not hot or cold. It just was. We silently watched as the casket was lowered into the ground.

Dad broke first, suddenly turning and falling onto Charlotte. We all gathered into a group, leaning on each other. Mendel moved to the side, standing and staring at the headstone.

I watched as he seemingly gathered his thoughts, before turning to us and saying quietly, "I wrote a poem, and um, I was wondering if it would be okay for me to recite it?"

He directed the question towards Dad, who slowly nodded his head, before once again resting it upon Charlotte's shoulder. She hugged him close, looking as though she was about to fall apart herself. On her other side, Cordelia was gripping Charlotte's hand so tightly I thought it might break, silent tears running down her face.

Mendel took a shaky breath before he began.

"Homosexuals. Women with children. Short insomniacs. We're a teeny tiny band. Lovers come and lovers go. Lovers live and die fortissimo. This is where we take a stand. Welcome to Falsettoland."

By the time he had finished speaking, we were all crying in some manner.

Silent tears continued to roll down Cordelia's cheeks. Her best friend.

Charlotte was sniffling and pretending not to notice the tears slipping from her eyes. Her patient and friend.

Mendel's eyes were watering, and he blew his nose on a tissue, before he used it to wipe the tears away. His friend.

Mom was sobbing viciously, snot and tears flying everywhere as she struggled to stop. Her friend and confidant.

Dad's tears were the worst of all. He had let go of Charlotte, and simply stood there, tears silently streaming down his face without making a sound. His best friend, his confidant, his lover. His everything.

I stepped forward, and knelt at the grave. I took the white chess king out of my pocket and placed it on the headstone. My own tears fell hot and heavy on the grass as I felt the pain of losing my best friend wash over me. No- as I felt the pain of losing one of my fathers wash over me.

Just one more game of chess. That's all I wanted. Or one more walk in the park. Or one more day spent messing at his studio. Or one more hug. Or one more chance to just say goodbye.

A/N Just one more lil something and then that's it, kids

407 words

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