Father to Son

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A/N: Finally something a little fucking happier. Thank you, William Finn.

It had been two weeks since Whizzer left, and I hadn't seen him since. I really missed him. But, at least one good thing came from that rollercoaster of a conversation; Marvin - no, Dad was actually making an effort. He came over every few days, he was at least civil towards Mendel, and he stopped treating Mom like a lesser individual. He made an effort to talk to me and spend time with me, too. I even heard Mom and Mendel talking about figuring out some sort of rota so that I can stay with him sometimes, which I thought would be pretty cool.

Mendel and Mom were out on a date night, but felt okay leaving me alone for a bit, considering that Dad was coming over soon. In the meantime, I decided to once again turn to my trusty journal.

My father has always told me that love is the most beautiful thing in the world. I once thought that games (chess, specifically) were, in actuality. But now I find myself thinking that maybe girls are the most beautiful thing in the world. All of a sudden, the girls in my class started looking very pretty. I'm not entirely sure what happened, but I'm not complaining.

It was at this moment that a knock sounded on the front door. I played my journal and pen aside, and made my way into the hall. I pulled the stool we kept by the coat hangers over to the door so I could see out the peephole. It was Dad, so I jumped down, and pushing the stool out of the way, opened the door.

"Hi, Dad!" I said happily, moving to the side so he could come in.

"Hey, Jason," he replied, grinning.

I closed the door and we made our way into the sitting room. Dad sat down on the sofa, motioning for me to sit beside him.

"Can I talk to you a little, Jason?" he asked me.

"Of course," I answered, sitting beside him.

"Kid... what I've done to you is rotten," he began. Wow. Not at all what I was expecting. "I was scared, and marching in one place to a tune that I could no longer remember. I love you, Jason. I meant no disgrace. When we're talking, like this, that's what love really is."

I picked up the pillow laying beside me, and hugged it to my chest, nodding as he spoke.

"Father to son, I, for one, would take love much more slowly," continued Dad. "I've made my choice, but you can sing a different song, if you get what I'm trying to say. Soon things will change for you: you'll notice your voice getting lower, and your attention floating elsewhere. You'll be a man, kid. If nothing goes wrong, that is."

He paused, laughing a little, before continuing. "Sing for yourself, Jason. Sing as you march along. Whatever your song may be. No - don't sing just for yourself. Sing for all of us. Sing as we all march along to our own songs."

I dove at my Dad, enveloping him in a hug the likes of which we had never shared. He pet my hair, sniffling a little. We both knew that we had a long road ahead of us before our relationship was fully repaired, but we were both prepared to work for each other.

A/N: Get ready for Act Two, y'all

564 words

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