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A/N This is the end, kids. Hope it's been a fun ride. I'm pain.

I walked out of school on Father's Day and looked around for the familiar beat-up silver car. I spotted it straight away, and waved to Mendel. It had been a tough five years.

"You ready to go, kid?" Mendel asked, watching me carefully as I sat down, pulling the door closed behind me.

"Yeah," I replied, with a small smile on my face. "I can't wait to see them!"

I grabbed my bag before I could forget, pulling out a card and handing it to him.

"Happy Father's Day, by the way!" I smiled.

"Thanks, Jason!" Mendel exclaimed, hugging me before he started the car.

When we arrived, Mendel didn't get out of the car right away.

"You go on, kiddo, I'll be in in a few," he said with a sad smile.

I smiled back, and opened the door, stepping out. I quickly got to the spot I had been looking for. I mean, I've been to their graves a million times at this point.

I placed cards on both Whizzer's and Dad's graves, smiling. I pulled out the photos that I had found the night before, and placed them in the memento box in between their graves. Before I closed it, I lifted the one on top. It was the photo Dad had taken all those years ago of Whizzer and I asleep on each other. I smiled sadly, before placing it back in and closing the box.

I pulled the final thing that was left in my bag out. A bunch of flowers. I walked for a few feet, before placing them on Mom's grave.

And then I sat down, and began to talk. Some might think it macabre, but it's nice to just sit and talk to my family again. I told them about my day at school, about that one teacher and how I swear she was out to get me, and about the date Heather and I had planned for that evening.

I wasn't even that sad or angry anymore. I was just happy for the time that I had had with my Mom and two of my Dads. It still stung, sure, but things were better now.

Like the inscription that each of their gravestones bare says: Everything will be alright.

A/N Sorry about the whole killing Marvin and Trina thing (even though Marvin would have died, and most of us have heard the hc about Trina committing suicide). It's been something.

379 words

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