Marvin Hits Trina

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A/N: Well folks, Marvin finally fucked up beyond belief. Well done, bitch. Please make your way over to this area to begin positive character development.

Whizzer and Mom were unreachable for weeks - they were spending all their free time planning Mom and Mendel's wedding. I seriously think that Whizzer might be more involved than Mendel.

They spent hours and hours designing the invitations, along with addressing them and sending them out.

So, needless to say, when Marvin burst in, drunk, and ripped his invitation into pieces in front of all of us, it didn't particularly end well.

I was in my room reading, Whizzer was in his room (drawing, I believe), and Mom and Mendel were sitting on the couch talking. I heard the front door bang open, and I walked out into the hall to see what the commotion was about. It seemed Whizzer had the same idea, and we made our way to the living room. When we saw Marvin, however, we both fell back, trying to remain hidden.

He was doing his favourite thing in the whole world: ranting and raving. Oh joy.

"Hello, Trina, thank you for sending this. Goodness, I'm truly relieved. Frankly, Trina, it was nice of you sending this. Thanks!" he shouted, all in one breath. "I've received your newly sent wedding invitation!"

He began to rip it up into tiny shreds. Whizzer gasped, rushing forward. I ran in right behind him.

"They're pseudo-romantic and sick!" Marvin continued. "You say you'll love him until you both die! You die on May 27th, at eight!"

He punctuated his last sentence by throwing the ripped up invitation into the air, as though in a sick parody of wedding confetti.

"You've lost your mind, Marvin," Whizzer says. Marvin looked shocked to see him, to say the least. "You were never this uncouth or unkind."

Marvin sat down on the seat beside the couch. I sat on the seat on the opposite side of the room, away from him.

"Mendel plans to rub my back," Mom stated. "He's not insane. He's sweet, and warm, and he loves me so."

Was Mom seriously trying to rub in the fact that she still had a relationship? Really? With Whizzer right there?

Marvin, of course, hardly took notice, and instead went back to his deranged ranting.

"Tell me, Trina, what was the impetus?" Mom broke eye contact with him. "Sorry, Trina, look in my eyes! Really, now, this is ridiculous. Jesus, I despise your need for stupid conversation! You're trying to ruin my sleep, and I'm sure you chose him to make me look bad." Was he seriously thatself-centred? "How could you ever deny what we had?"

The last question was seemingly directed at both Mom and Whizzer.

"We had fights and games," Whizzer replied, whispering.

"You called us funny names," Mom continued, smiling a little, albeit sadly.

"You're acting like you're untrained," Mendel said sadly. "Marvin, I am so ashamed."

"But you're sweet and mean," Mom concluded.

Whizzer took a shuddering breath which seemed to surround everyone.

"Do I love you?" he asked, looking Marvin dead in the eye. He look away before answering, "No."

Marvin looked shocked to say the least. We all were.

"I am so dumb," he said quietly before leaving. I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding, and Whizzer collapsed into an armchair.

Just then, Marvin burst back in, screaming. Mom had obviously had enough of his bullshit, as she yelled, "Oh, cool it with the histrionics!"

It all seemed to happen in slow motion. Marvin spun around to face Mom. Mendel looked shocked at her bluntness. Whizzer reached out, seemingly attempting to grab Marvin's arm.

Then Marvin hit Mom.

We were all shocked. None of us had ever truly expected him to go that far. Whizzer was frozen still, as though he was too shocked to move. Mom immediately fell into Mendel's arms, but she seemed to reassure him that she was alright. As soon as he turned his back to comfort me, however, she broke down crying, before turning to look at Marvin.

662 words

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