A Day in Falsettoland

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A/N: This was initially just meant to be a filler chapter, but it slowly devolved into my putting off writing where shit hits the fan. Enjoy the fluff while it lasts, y'all.

It had been a few weeks since the baseball game, and everything was looking up. Things were great, in fact.

Mom and Dad still bickered a little over the bar mitzvah, but it wasn't too bad now that both Whizzer and Mendel were there to at least attempt to control their respective significant others.

It was Friday evening, meaning I was going over to Dad's soon. Whizzer hadn't officially moved back in yet, but he seemed to spend most of his time there anyway. Or at least when I was there he did. Mom and Mendel had started a new Friday night tradition: exercise. Because according to Mendel, "A family that exercises together, stays together." I think the heck not.

Thankfully, they did that after I left. But then, of course, Dad heard about this and he and Whizzer started playing racquetball together. I was asked if I wanted to come once, and it was only when I threatened to vomit on Whizzer's patent shoes that the invitation was retracted.

Mom and Mendel dropped me off outside Dad's apartment building on their way to the park, and I let myself in, seeing as Dad gave me a keycard a couple of months ago. I knocked on Dad's door, and when there was no response, I knocked on Charlotte and Cordelia's door.

Cordelia opened the door, "Hey, Jay!" she squealed, pulling me into a bear hug. "Your Dad and Whizzer left about an hour ago, but you can chill with Char and I until they get back!"

I giggled as she released me, and we went inside. We were going to watch a movie, but Charlotte had had a long day at work, and she had a sore head so went to lie down.

After checking to make sure Charlotte was okay, Cordelia came back into the main room. That was one of the things that I loved about this apartment building - instead of separate kitchen and sitting rooms and stuff, there was just one main room, with one of those half wall divides where the sink was, meaning you could still see into the sitting room. It felt more home-y and open.

"Do you wanna help me make some pastries and cupcakes for the café tomorrow?" she asked, smiling gently.

"Can I?" I asked, grinning wildly.

Nodding, she replied, "Yeah, come on!"

We spent the next I-don't-know-how-long making all manner of delicacies. When Dad and Whizzer got home, they left us be, but came back in after they had grabbed showers. Whizzer skilfully helped us to finish up (he had been working for Cordelia for nearly two years now, after all). Dad just watched him, lovestruck. I mimed vomiting to Cordelia, and she giggled a little.

It was a great evening. The next day, however, we got some bad news.

"I have to go into work today," Dad announced. Whizzer frowned slightly. "But, it's only for a few hours, and I'm sure Cordelia won't mind Jason hanging around while you work your shift this afternoon."

I wasn't too upset though, because I still got to spend the morning with Whizzer and Cordelia.

About fifteen minutes later, I had to listen to their soppy goodbyes. But I was glad that they were both happy. They deserved each other, more than anything or anyone else.

It wasn't too long before Whizzer's shift started, so Whiz and I walked to 'Cordelia's'. Everything was pastel pink, and while Whizzer wasn't extraordinarily feminine or anything, he still loved pink. I know all too well that stereotypes are the views of the small-minded, but it's still hard to shake them from my mind sometimes.

I got to sit behind the counter while Whizzer served customers and Cordelia worked where she was in her prime: in the kitchen. It wasn't long before I heard a very familiar voice.


My head shot up and I felt my cheeks blush slightly. "Oh, hi Heather!"

"What're you doing here?" she asked, looking sweeter than a donut with a maple glaze.

"This is my Dad's best friend's café!" I said proudly.

"Oh cool!" Heather replied. I may have melted slightly.

"Hey, Jay, this a friend of yours?" Whizzer asked, eyebrows raised and with a knowing smile.

I began to stutter before Heather smoothly cut me off, sticking out her hand and introducing herself politely.

"I'm Heather Levin, Jason and I are in the same class at school," she smiled at Whizzer, and I, once again, melted slightly.

"It's very nice to meet you, Heather," Whizzer replied, laughing a little. "I'm Whizzer. Jason's father and I are... partners."

He finished his sentence sounding slightly worried, but Heather didn't even bat an eyelash.

"So, like boyfriends? Cool!" she grinned up at Whizzer before turning to me. "Well, I should prob'ly go get my food. Bye!"

I waved slightly, grinning goofily.

"Jason's got a cru-ush, Jason's got a cru-ush!" Whizzer teased, ruffling my hair.

I laughed and in walked Dad. Whizzer stopped "tormenting" me and began grinning goofily himself.

Everything was good. Everything was alright. We were all happy. Sometimes I thought it was all too good to be true.

In that moment, I had no idea just how right I was.

A/N: Are youse ready? I know I'm not. Also yes that was a BOM reference and Jason is me when trying to talk to pretty girls.

877 words

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