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I looked down at my phone as I waited at the table I had got for us.

This was it. I was finally meeting him.

I was nervous as hell. Matthew and I had been texting continuously for two and a half months and here I was meeting the guy who I thought was such a pimple but turned out to be a misunderstood angel.

I looked at the door as I saw a guy walk in. He had a bouquet of flowers in his hand and a bag in the other. He looked all over the place before our eyes met. His nervous eyes then approached mine.

"Kara Johnson?" he asked with a smirk.

"In the flesh Matthew Espinosa," I smirked back.

"Wow. I can't believe this is actually happening. You're a lot hotter in person I'll hand it to you," he charmed.

"Thank you," I chuckled, "I could say the same."

"These are for you," he handed me the flowers and the bag.

"Wow thank you," I smiled and took a peak in the bag, "is this a dress?"

"Yeah," he smiled as I took it out, revealing a glittery ocean blue skin tight dress, "I assumed your size. But if you can't fit into it you can always work your way to that size."

I shot him a glare and he soon realised his mistake.

"I meant I can always take it back and get you another one," he smiled.

"Thank you. I love it," I put it away and put the flowers by my side.

The menus came our way as I tried to make conversation.

"I never thought this day would come," I commented.

"Why not?" he asked as he skimmed through the menu.

"Well you seemed so, how can I put this?" I questioned.

"Like a fuckboy?" he responded with a minute chuckle.

"Yeah," I laughed with him and groaned, "sorry."

"It's okay. I get that a lot," he shrugged innocently and ordered.

I couldn't help but feel a bit bad for his reputation. I wasn't too aware about his past but I knew that there was more depth to him.

The food came our way and I watched as Matthew would sneak minor glances at me as I ate.

"What?" I chuckled as I held my fork in my hand.

"You just," he breathed easily, "I can tell you don't really trust me. You're still skeptical about my actions. You don't gotta be."

"There's some truth to that," I sighed and put down my drink.

"What makes you not trust me? I mean we've been talking for some time and I know this is the first time we're meeting but you really can trust me," he reasoned.

"How am I so sure you're only mine?" I questioned, looking him dead in the eyes.

"Because in a world full of different people, I'm only looking at you," he held my hand softly and looked back at me.

I saw his vulnerability opened and free. His eyes. They told me he was being genuine. Maybe I should trust him? This time take the leap Kara.

Take the leap.

"Alright," I nodded, "I'm flattered by the way. I think I can trust you a bit more." 

"You can trust me," his grip on my hand slightly tightened with a warming smile.

The night passed as we indulged in more gourmet food and conversation. I was really getting to know him. Sure there were times when he slipped up but which human being doesn't? I just think he was nervous.

Then it happened.

"I had a really great time tonight," he held my hand as we stood outside the restaurant, waiting for his chauffeur to arrive.

"I did too. I saw how human you were," I smiled.

His face slowly leaned forward to mine and somehow I was preparing myself for what was to come next. A kiss or a slap? I had no idea.

I then felt a stinging sensation on my ass. He had slapped it. He smirked, kissed my cheek and left in his fancy car.

What the hell just happened?

And why did I like it so much?

No Service - m.e [Hotline Bling Sequel] Where stories live. Discover now