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I shut my locker door and gently rested my face against it. I exhaled deeply. I had been drained from everything I had been going through.

"Rara," I heard Caprice's voice beside me, "how you feeling?"

I just started crying. I felt the tears run down my face and dampen my locker door. Caprice wrapped her arms around me and rested her face on my back.

"It's gonna be okay," she rubbed my back as I struggled to breathe.

I turned around and tried to regulate my breathing. I wanted to snap out of it because I knew that this wasn't who I was. I had just risked everything for Matt so for this to bite me in the ass, really hurt.

"At least the day's over," I sighed and tossed my bag over my shoulder.

"You want me to walk home with you?" she asked.

"Nah it's okay. I need to be alone," I sighed and walked away. I walked out onto the sidewalk and continued my journey. I tried to take in my surroundings. Engage with nature and its surroundings. Collect my thoughts and centre myself.

As I reached my house, my heart dropped as I saw Matt standing outside beside his car. For the first time ever, with nothing.

"Kara," he walked up to me as I crossed my arms.

"Matthew I don't wanna see you," I placed my hand on his chest to signal for him to go away.

"Let me explain," he took my hand from my chest and held it, "Georgia and I hooked up a little while before we started dating. She's claiming that I'm the father of her child but I did request a paternity test as soon as the baby is born."

"I don't know what to say," I sighed and shook my head.

"You have to believe me. Kara I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want this to happen. Exactly this," he explained.

"Matthew I don't think we can be together anymore," I uttered.

"Kara I'm certain things will work out. We can't be too rash-"

"No Matt," I sighed and looked down, "I can't do this anymore."

He let go of my hand as he watched the tears fall on my face. He tried to reach for my face to wipe them off but I backed away.

"Goodbye Matt," I rubbed my eyes and walked inside the house.

I watched as he got in his car and drove away.

It's over.

No Service - m.e [Hotline Bling Sequel] Where stories live. Discover now