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"Can't believe my daughter is going to a premier party!" my mom exclaimed as she helped me with my hair.

"C'mon mom it's no big deal," I chuckled.

"It is for me," she shushed me, "you said his dad is the head of Universal Studios?"

"Correct," I nodded as I stood up.

"Wow. I wonder what that must be like," she pondered.

"Oh boy I'm gonna be here all night if we get into that," I laughed as I went downstairs.

I heard Matt's car pull up outside and walked outside.

"Hi," I smiled as he got out the car.

"Your chariot awaits my fair lady," he opened my car door for me.

"Why thank you Prince Charming," I blushed and made my way to the car.

"You two have fun. You better come home Kara," my mom scowled.

"Yes momzo," I nodded and got in. Matt got in the other side and drove.

"You look so beautiful I don't think I can take it," he huffed.

"Thank you babe," I giggled as his hand slithered to my thigh.

"I'm so excited to bring you tonight. You're gonna see what it's gonna be like in my life," he sighed.

"You are the sweetest," I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

Here I am getting an inclusive into Matt's life. I felt we were closer than ever and nothing could ruin that for us.

We arrived at the event and were escorted to a special area. We got into the event and I saw A-listers from different angles, trying so hard to contain myself.

"You seem a little too excited," Matt chuckled as he wrapped my arm around my waist.

"Well can you blame me? I'm just a small town girl tryna make it big in the city," I played with a country accent.

"You're such a weirdo. But I love it," he smiled as our lips touched.

Matt pulled back my chair for me as I sat down at the table with his dad and stepmom. As much as Matt didn't want them together, I did find them cute.

As the evening progressed, we sat through speeches, presentations and a previewing of the movie.

"I'm gonna go I'll be back soon," I whispered into Matt's ear.

"Alright hurry back," he kissed my cheek as I got up.

I made my way to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. As I was fixing myself, I saw a stall door mysteriously open and a girl with platinum blonde hair and green eyes appeared. She opened the tap next to me but just watched the water run.

"You're here with Matthew Espinosa," she made a statement more than asking a question.

"Yes," I answered in confusion.

"Oh cute," she finally ran her hands under the tap, "does he treat you well?"

"Well I wouldn't be here tonight if he didn't," I fixed up my hair.

"He used to treat me well. Real damn well. That's until he kicked me to the curb for you," she explained as she kept looking at the water.

"And you are?" I turned my head slowly to look at her.

"Georgia. Georgia Adonis. Soon to be Georgia Espinosa," she stated.

"Woah girl you better hold yourself now," I turned around to face her.

"Just stating facts," she closed the tap and started shaking her hands, "just a warning girl he won't be yours forever."

With that she made a swift get away from the bathroom and vanished.

What the hell?

No Service - m.e [Hotline Bling Sequel] Where stories live. Discover now