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"Last night?" Sam asked as he leaned over in his chair to grab more guacamole for his chip.

"What about it?" I asked as I kept pressing buttons on my controller.

"The date Matt. The damn date," he groaned & threw a chip at me.

"It was alright man. Just your typical dinner," I explained.

"What about after dinner?" he smirked.

"She ain't like that man," I laughed & punched him in the arm, "yet."

"You actually like Kara don't you?" he paused the game, giving me his full attention.

"Well," I paused, "Yeah."

"When last did you actually like a girl," he laughed, munching on more chips.

"Well not since Georgia," my voice trailed off.

"Man don't think about that new age hoe," he scolded, "you think Kara's genuinely all about you?"

"I really do think so because she's real. She's not on that materialistic fantasy bullshit. I like that. I like her," I smiled a little.

"Well then what's stopping you? Ask her out already you bastard!" he yelled & threw his shoe at me.

"Man c'mon," I chuckled, "how exactly am I supposed to go about doing such?"

"Well since you say she's not about that materialistic fantasy bullshit then I think the simple way is the best way," he explained, putting the game on play again.

"That's gonna take a lot," I huffed, "how did you ask your girl out?"

"Oh uhh," he coughed and chuckled.

"C'mon spill that cup," I urged him.

"Well let's just say when you hit it right she says yes," he smirked.

"Animal," I laughed, "good one."

Damn pressure.

No Service - m.e [Hotline Bling Sequel] Where stories live. Discover now