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I gently brushed my hair as I finished getting ready. Matt wanted to take me out on another date. This was the third time he had been seeing me this week and I had never gotten used to it but I found it cute.

"Kara," my mom peeped through the crack of my door.

"Yes mom," I answered.

"Are you ready for your date with, um?" she asked.

"Matt," I chuckled. I understood her memory, I only told my parents about him this afternoon.

"You have lots of fun. Make sure this boy doesn't hurt you. I know you've changed a lot because of the past my dear," she explained and she was right.

I hadn't dated a lot of people before Matt, but they weren't the greatest to me. They just wanted the title not the actual relationship.

"I won't mom thanks," I smiled. We heard the front door chime and went downstairs. My stepdad opened the front door to be greeted by a suave Matt.

"Evening sir," he smiled and held a bag in his hand.

"Hello young man. You must be Matt?" my stepdad asked.

"That I am," he nodded.

"Hi Matt," I smiled.

"Hi Kara," he smiled back, "and this must be your sister right?"

"Oh stop you," my mom giggled quietly, "I like him."

"Thanks mom," I laughed.

"This is for you," he handed me the small bag.

"You gotta stop getting me things Matt," I blushed and put it on the side table.

"Getting?" both my mom and stepdad said in unison.

"Okay so we'll see you later," I smiled and went out the house. We got into Matt's car and started our journey.

"Thanks for being so nice to my parents," I held his hand.

"Nothing to it baby," he kissed my hand and parked outside one damn fancy restaurant.

"You're still tryna impress me? You could literally take to Burger King babe I'm all good," I chuckled.

"I have to treat my princess," he got out the car and opened my car door for me.

I got out and we walked in, hand in hand. Then being led to our table. Little did I know that was when the night would change.

"Excuse me," Matt spoke to our waiter as I sat down.

"Yes Mr Espinosa?" he asked.

"I specifically requested a booth table towards the back of the restaurant," he complained.

"There were no available booths sir my apologies," the waiter murmured.

"You better be sorry," Matt got a bit aggressive.

"Matt," I interrupted, "this table is fine babe it's okay."

"Alright," he huffed and sat down. The waiter got our menus and left.

I stayed silent as I looked over the menu.

"What's wrong babe?" he asked while holding my hand.

"What was that?" I gawked silently.

"Babe we ain't gonna do this right now," he groaned and closed the menu.

"Matt you better calm down," I declared.

"Or what princess?" he gritted through his teeth.

"You guys ready to order?" the waiter came back.

"Yeah I'll have the chicken schnitzel with tar tar sauce and the cesar salad," I ordered.

"And for you sir?" he asked Matt.

"I'll have your classic steak," he ordered.

"We're all out sir," the waiter said.

"So then why is it still on the specials board?" he asked crudely.

"I don't know sir," the waiter remained neutral.

"I think I should see the people in the kitchen," he stood up slowly and I grabbed his hand.

"Matt," I uttered.

"No you can't be serious. What happened to the standard of this establishment," he got angrier.

"Sir please calm down," the waiter put his hand on Matt's chest and Matt swatted his hand away.

"Don't you dare touch me. I'll fuck you up," he grunted.

"Matthew," I stood up and stood in between him and the waiter.

"I demand to speak to your manager and get your ass fired!" he yelled.

"I'm so sorry," I started apologising repeatedly, "Matt we're leaving."

I quickly grabbed his keys and practically had to drag him out the restaurant. I got him in the car and started driving back to my place.

"Kara," he murmured.

"Shut the fuck up," I answered with fury and kept driving. I eventually reached my house, got out the car and slammed the car door.

"Get bent," I spat viciously and went into my house.

No Service - m.e [Hotline Bling Sequel] Where stories live. Discover now