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Babe you okay?

Matty baby

Yeah of course. Why?


Well it's just

I've been noticing that we've been changing and distancing a bit so I just wanted to make sure

Matty baby

How babe?


I haven't seen you in weeks. We barely talk anymore. It's like I don't even know you anymore

Matty baby

Woah relax princess. We're all good. No need to get over your head now


I'm just worried. I don't wanna lose you

Matty baby

You won't lose me. You need to calm down


How can you tell me to calm down when you're the one who loses your shit all the time

Matty baby

You know what. I don't owe you any explanations right now. Not one

Matty baby has blocked you. You can no longer send messages to this contact.

"Fucking great," I cursed as I threw my phone onto my pillow. I lay down on my bed and closed my eyes while trying so hard not to cry like a little bitch. I then heard a knock at my door.

"Yeah?" I answered and my mom walked in.

"Hey honey. You okay?" she asked.

"Yeah just feeling a little sick that's all," I said and buried my face into my pillow.

"You've been seeming a little off these days are you sure everything's alright?" she asked as she walked closer to my bed.

"Yeah mom everything's fine," I groaned through my pillow.

"Well if there is something and you don't wanna talk to me, you can always talk to your sister. She's coming to visit us tomorrow," she told me and my heart was in a twist.

I loved my sister. I really did. However, whenever she was around it was like I was invisible. Nadia was always the better sister. Everyone wanted her. Wanted to be her. Desired her. The minute she left for college I got my own name back instead of the classic "Nadia's little sister" title.

"Thanks for telling me," I looked up at her. She simply nodded and left my room.


No Service - m.e [Hotline Bling Sequel] Where stories live. Discover now