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There I was, sitting in the middle of Chemistry class bored out of my mind when Mr Flores called me to his desk.

"What seems to be the problem sir?" I asked.

"I got word from the office that your uncle is here to pick you up early. Did you know about this Johnson?" he asked.

"No," I murmured in confusion.

"It's probably a family emergency," he mentioned, "you may be excused."

"Thank you," I went back to my desk to get my things and left.

I made my way to the front desk and got a note for leaving early. The minute I stepped outside, I saw him with his fancy car smiling at me.

"What the fuck," I chuckled and tapped the window. He rolled it down and smiled.

"Get in princess," he smirked. I got in on the other side and sped away.

"So tell me, what's this all about?" I asked.

"I thought my girl might need a bit of a break from the boring jail house that's school so today you're playing Hooke," he held my hand as he drove.

"Wow Matt, pulling me out of school just so you could spend the day with me. Not something I expected from you. I mean aren't you supposed to be in school right now?" I asked with a small laugh.

"I'm homeschooled baby," he smirked, "and there's something wrong with my teacher so that got cancelled."

"You're so lucky. I just can't stand school or anyone in school. People say I'm just sour when really I don't take shit," I explained.

"You, sour? Meanwhile you're the sweetest thing in my life right now babygirl," he hummed.

"Matt," I giggled and blushed.

"We're going some place special," he mentioned.

"Which is?" I questioned.

"My place. You never been there," he explained as his hand slithered to my thigh.

"Am I even at the level of seeing the crib?" I tilted my head.

"Yeah," he held my hand to his mouth and kissed it.

"Well I feel honoured," I smiled.

"You should. Not a lot of people are where you are right now," he smirked.

The rest of the ride was reserved in silence. He drove us to the richest side of the city, a side I had literally only been to once for some ball I was waitressing at.

Finally we arrived outside the largest house in the neighbourhood as I silently gawked in aw of Matt's living space.

"I know this one's pretty shit. The one in Italy's much better," he sighed as he drove through the steel gates.

"This is your shit house? Wow, my house is like a bird house compared to this," I chuckled.

We got out of his car and he led me into his house. I looked around and felt like I was in the damn White House.

"Sophia!" he called and a lady in a housekeeper uniform came to his command.

Thank God I thought it was a secret hooker he was hiding around the house.

"This is Kara," he smiled and looked over at me.

"Hi," I smiled and held out my hand.

"Hello ma'am," she greeted mutely and bowed. She quickly scurried back to where she came from.

"Aww she's adorable," I smiled.

"Yeah she's great. You wanna go for a swim?" he asked.

"Well I don't have a swimsuit so," I chuckled.

"You could always swim naked I mean that'd be a pretty good sight," he smirked and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Don't get so fresh Matty," I laughed and put my hand on his face.

"My cousin ordered some swimsuits and got them delivered here but she still hasn't picked them up. Guess they're yours now," he pouted and went up the stairs, "come on."

I followed him up the stairs to top floor. He went into a room and came out with a bag of swimsuits from Khloe Kardashian.

"That collection is super exclusive. I heard there's a request list," I gawked.

"Well my cousin was just one of the lucky ones. Look like they're yours now," he gave me the bag.

"Matt no I can't take these," I shook my head and tried to give him the bag back.

"Don't be ridiculous. Now I'll give you this room to get changed in and I'll meet you downstairs and I'll drive you to the pool," he kisses my cheek.


"I just hope the golf cart's outside," he explained. He left to his room and I went into the room he came out with the swimsuits. I closed the door and got changed while I looked around the room. It was a quaint guest room with all sorts of designs. This house was too damn wicked.

I fixed up my hair and went out the room. I approached the stairs to see Matt waiting at the bottom. He was super ripped I was trying to resist the temptation to drool.

"You look great babygirl," he smirked.

"You the one looking like a full course meal here," I smiled and walked downstairs.

He held my hand and lead me to the backyard which was huge. He went around the corner and came around with the gold cart.

"Hop on," he smiled. I got in and he drove. We drove a bit of a distance before reaching his massive pool which had the bluest waters I had ever laid my eyes upon.

"How big is your backyard?" I gawked.

"I think this only about two thirds of it," he shrugged, setting his foot in the pool.

"That's not how you get into a pool babe," I chuckled.

"Wow first time calling me babe," he laughed, "then how do you get into a pool expert?"

"Like this," I smiled. I set my feet right and dived in. I stayed underwater a while then surfaced.

"That has got to be the sexiest yet most elegant thing I've ever seen," he gawked as he looked me all over.

"Thanks," I smiled and splashed him with water.

"Oh you wanna play dirty now," he laughed.

"Well that's if you can even play the game," I smirked. I then felt a wave of water hit me and Matt surface.

"That's another way to get into a pool," he winked and splashed me with more water.


"Thanks for the day. I learnt a lot today," I laughed as I ate the fruit Matt got us.

"Glad I could enrich your education," he smiled and stroked my hair, "you're so damn beautiful wow."

"Matty," I laughed, "thank you."

"You know Kara this was actually a romantic gesture," he explained.

"Seriously? You dig romantic gestures?" I giggled.

"Yeah. I know you like simple and this is the simplest time right now so," he smiled and held my hands, "Kara, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Aww Matt," I smiled, "yes."

"I'm so grateful for you," he smiled and drifted his face closer to mine.

"I'm grateful for you too babe," I smiled and pressed my lips against his.

No Service - m.e [Hotline Bling Sequel] Where stories live. Discover now