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The lunch period of Monday had arrived and it only meant one thing.

Lunch therapy with Caprice Waldo.

I took my stuff and sat outside on the bleachers as I waited for my best friend. I saw her hair flying in the wind as she approached me.

"Hey," she smiled and sat down next to me.

"Hi," I greeted back and began eating.

"So, what is the problem at hand?" she asked, focusing her full attention on me.

"Matt has been acting strange lately. I haven't seen him in a couple of weeks and our conversations have been cut to a bare minimum. It seems that someone's controlling his time with me. I feel like maybe this is just my paranoia. What if something really bad happened and he doesn't wanna tell me? What if he doesn't wanna be with me anymore?" I started to panic.

Caprice wrapped her arm around me and rubbed my shoulder.

"Woah girl," she began, "tell me when did you start noticing this change?"

"Well it kinda happened a day or two after that premier party he took me to," I answered.

"Did something happen at the party?" she asked and that's when my mind clicked.

"I actually met Georgia. His ex or whatever. We had a discussion in the bathroom and it was pretty wild. She was talking about how Matt dumped her for me and how he won't be mine for long," I slowed down at the last part as the puzzle pieces finally came together.

"Georgia Adonis?" Caprice gagged, "I've been hearing a ton about her."

"What have you heard?" I asked in panic.

"She's apparently scheming any guy she ever finds and ruining people's relationships," she explained.

"That's vile," I gagged.

"I know. I just hope she doesn't come after you and Matt and I pray she doesn't come after Sam and I," she puffed.

"Wait," I stopped chewing, "you and Sam?"

"Well we're not dating. We're honestly just hanging out. He literally wants the same thing I want right now and it's perfect. Plus he's cute so I was like meh let him stick around for a while," she smiled softly.

"That's so cute I'm literally so happy for you," I smiled and hugged her, "let's hope Georgia doesn't try and mess that up either."

Yeah let's hope.

No Service - m.e [Hotline Bling Sequel] Where stories live. Discover now