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I hadn't seen Matt in a solid week and a half. After that restaurant catastrophe I was extremely doubtful of our relationship.

Matty baby




Matty baby

You busy tonight?



Matty baby

Could you come over please? It's important


Idk Matt.

Matty baby


Could I even stay mad at him for this long? He was stupid but cute stupid. I hope I don't regret this.


Fine. I'm on my way


I arrived at Matt's house and knocked on the door. Sophia opened the door with a quaint smile.

"Hi Sophia," I smiled at her.

"Evening ma'am," she greeted back.

"Just call me Kara," I shook my head, "where's Matt?"

"He's in the dining room. He told me to take you there," she addressed.

I walked in and she led me into the dining room. I then saw Matt sitting at the head of the table with food prepared. On the other end there was chicken schnitzel with tar tar sauce and cesar salad.

"Oh wow," I chuckled as I sat down.

"Thank you Sophia see you tomorrow," he nodded and she was on her way.

"What's your game Espinosa?" I asked.

"I want to redo the date. I want to make it right this time," he smiled and started eating.

"Well you're starting," I winked and ate.

"Starting?" he asked.

"Finishing off the deal would be containing your temper every time something like that happens," I ordered.

"Kara," he grunted quietly.

"I'm serious Matt. I know you have this life of luxury and all but you gotta cool it. That's if you wanna keep me. I know that you're a great person and I got to see that within the three months of us just texting and calling. Don't turn into a monster it doesn't suit you," I explained, "plus you look cuter when you're a gentleman. Like right now."

"Do I?" he blushed, sipping from his glass.

"Yes," I smiled, "now you promise you're gonna contain your temper for me baby?"

"For you babe I promise," he nodded.

"Good," I nodded, "this food is pretty good."

"Thanks but give credit to Sophia. I'm not so experienced in the kitchen," he laughed.

"Well maybe that just means I should cook for you," I smirked.

"Maybe you should. In fact I'm kinda feeling dessert right now," he pushed his plate aside, "what can you make?"

"I can make a chocolate lava cake," I laughed and got up.

"Seriously?" he asked.

"Yeah. Let's go," I said and walked into the kitchen.

"I was just kidding y'know," he laughed and followed me.

"Well I'm not," I went to his fridge and took out some ingredients, "you get everything I need alright."

"Wow alright wifey," he smirked and helped me.

"Wifey? Alrighty," I laughed and started mixing ingredients together, "put that oven on for me."

"Sure thing," he agreed and did what I told him, "so this is what life is gonna be like when we get married."

"Marriage already? Woah let's hit a year of dating first," I laughed as I poured the mixture into a cake pan.

"I would marry you in a heartbeat if I could," he smiled and put the pan in the oven.

"You're just saying that," I chuckled and started making the chocolate sauce, "you got any ice cream."

"A house without ice cream ain't a home," he laughed and took it out. 

"That's exactly what I say!" I laughed heartily.

"You're so cute come here," he pecked my lips softly.

"And you're sweet," I put some chocolate sauce on his cheek with my finger and chuckled.

"Oh we're gonna do this now? I'll get you," he smirked.

"Doubt it baddie Matty," I smirked.

"Wow when last," he snickered.

"Yeah I think we should bring it back," I pouted.

"Alright baddie Kara better get that cake out the oven before it burns," he instructed. I took the cake out and served it to him on a plate with chocolate sauce and ice cream.

"Damn," he smacked his lips together and dug in, "who taught you this beautiful life skill?"

"My dad. He's a chef," I ate.

"Oh wow I didn't think of him as a chef," he laughed and sat on the counter.

"No that's my stepdad that you met. He's a car salesman. That's how he actually met my mom," I laughed, "my parents are divorced. My dad lives in Rhode Island."

"Oh damn. Well seems like everything's fine though," he finished his cake.

"Yeah there's no fighting. At least," I nodded and felt some chocolate sauce on my cheek.

"Told you I'd get you," he pouted.

"Oh wow," I dipped my fingers in the sauce and put a few prints on his neck.

"You should lick that off," he smirked.

"Oh with pleasure," I smirked and licked his neck. Soon I started kissing it and I felt his arms wrap around me. After some time I started biting it and giving him hickeys.

"Woah babygirl I didn't expect you to be this wild," he commented.

"Well it's always the ones you least expect now ain't it," I smirked and slid my hands down his pants. I grabbed his balls and started to fiddle with them.

"Oh," he grunted mutely and pulled me onto his lap.

After some time, things began to get heated. His tongue deepening into my throat as my hand maneuvered in his pants. Within a matter of moments we were making our way up to the stairs to his room.

My top was left at the door and soon all our clothes were spread all over the floor. He laid me on top of his bed with his body gently pressing against mine. As I felt his length within myself, my finger nails dragged down his back, tracing patterns of lust.

I bit his lip and pulled it as my eyes reared their way back.

"Hold on tight babygirl," he panted and I never knew I could even make noises like that.

No Service - m.e [Hotline Bling Sequel] Where stories live. Discover now