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"Matt my water broke," I heard Georgia's agonising cry come from the bathroom.

"Seriously?" I stood up from the couch.

"I wouldn't be kidding about something like this Matt," she grumbled.

I got her stuff and rushed her to the car. I drove her to the hospital and tried to keep her calm but it was the most difficult thing I've ever had to do.

We eventually reached the hospital and checked into the ER unit. As the doctors rushed into her room, I was stopped by the door.

"Who are you sir?" the one nurse asked.

"I'm Matthew Espinosa. The father," I stated and felt my heart sink as I said it.

"Go right ahead," she opened a way for me and I went in. As I watched Georgia give birth to that child, it finally hit me.

That's my child.

After many hours of screaming, pain and torture, the baby was born. The cutest little feet with the cutest little nose and the cutest little eyes I had ever seen.

"It's a girl," the doctor announced. As I watched Georgia cradled the bare naked child in her arms, worn out and tired as ever, I couldn't help but suddenly remember what I requested.

"Um Doc," I called him over and he stepped outside with me.

"Yes?" he answered.

"I asked the mother if I could get a paternity test done for this child. Is that possible?" I asked nervously.

"We will have to stabilise the baby but I can let you know as soon as possible," he assured me.

"Thank you," I nodded and went back inside. I saw Georgia drifting off to sleep after they had taken the baby away.

"What were you talking about with the doctor outside?" she asked weakly.

"Just having a paternity test for the child," I explained.

"You still don't believe that baby is yours huh? The damage is done Matt. That child is yours," she huffed with all her might.

"I just want to be sure," I sat down in the chair next to her as she slowly drifted off to sleep.


"Mr Espinosa," the doctor called as he entered the room.

"Yes Doc," I answered. It had been two days after the baby was born and I guess it was the results of the paternity test.

"I have your results," he declared, "you are not the father of this child."

"What?" Georgia gawked, "no there has to be a mistake."

"No mistake here Miss Adonis. In fact, from the database, the father of your child is a gentleman named Sam Wilkinson. Do you know this man?" he asked.

"Yes," she sighed and put her face in her hands.

"Thank you Doc. May we please have a moment alone?" I requested and he respected my wishes. He walked out the door and that's when all I could see was red.

"So you slept with my best friend after you slept with me and you were certain that I was the father of your child? I paid for every single doctor's visit, I bought clothes for this bloody child and I have to find out that my best friend is the dad and not me?" I gritted through my teeth.

"Matt," she sighed.

"Fuck you Georgia," I cursed and walked out the room.

I pulled out my phone and called a contact.

"Hey man how's it going?" I heard Sam's laid back voice sift through the speaker.

"Sam I know about you and Georgia," I said bleakly.

"How'd you find out?" he gulped.

"You're the father," I stated.

"What?" he gasped.

"Yeah. Explain that," I demanded.

"The reason why Stassie and I broke up is because I cheated on her with Georgia," I heard him sigh regretfully.

"Goodbye Sam," I said and dropped the call.

It's over.



No Service - m.e [Hotline Bling Sequel] Where stories live. Discover now