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"Hey sorry I'm late I just came back from Sam's place," Caprice said as she came through my bedroom door.

"It's alright. I'm so happy for you two," I smiled.  Caprice and Sam had been getting more serious. It was difficult for them on account that Matt and I were no longer together.

"You sure it's okay that Sam and I are spending time together even though what happened?" she asked nervously as she sat down and handed me some pretzels.

"It's been five months Caprice, I'm okay," I nodded silently and ate my pretzels.

"You sure?" she asked and messed up my hair.

"Yes," I chuckled but nothing compared to the pain I was feeling inside of my heart.


I laid on my bed as I heard my dad and Casey downstairs arguing all because of me.

Ever since Kara broke up with me and they found out that Georgia is pregnant, they had not been seeing eye-to-eye with each other. It was breaking my heart to see that everything was falling apart because of me. I was truly at ends here.

I then heard my phone buzz.


Come over I want you

I stared at her text and thought real long and hard. Was I about to go back to the girl who messed up the best relationship I had ever had?


I'm coming

No Service - m.e [Hotline Bling Sequel] Where stories live. Discover now