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"So I get to lunch yesterday and boom, my best friend is nowhere to be seen. I get told by Jess that she went home early. What's the big deal?" Caprice asked as she sipped from her juice box.

"The craziest thing happened," I whispered and started blushing.

"What happened?" she gasped.

"Well turns out Matt posed as my uncle and got me to play Hooke. He took me over to his place and we spent the day at his pool. He asked me to be his girlfriend," I blushed harder and couldn't stop smiling.

"Dude seriously?" she gawked and practically went into hysterics.

"Yeah," I giggled as she freaked out.

"So lemme guess, after that came probably the sloppiest or richest sex you've ever had ain't it?" she questioned.

"No," I laughed, "he respects me. We just spent the rest of afternoon there and I had to go when school came out obviously so my parents wouldn't suspect a thing."

"Look at you Rara," she smirked, "this boy is changing you."

"He sure is," I uttered.


"Aye," I heard Sam's voice come through the house.

"Yo man," I greeted him back as I closed the fridge.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"Well," I started smiling as I opened up a bottle of water, "she's my girlfriend now."

"Nice man," he gave me a high five followed by him slapping the air as if it was a booty.

"C'mon clown," I chuckled.

"How'd you do it?" he asked, taking a seat on the counter.

"Well something pretty wild I did," I started, "I actually posed as her uncle and called her school telling them there was a family emergency. They fell for it, I took her here and we spent the day at the pool then I asked her and she said yes."

"Nice and simple. Proud of you man," he smiled, "so you hit it yet?"

"Sam c'mon. I don't wanna mess things up with Kara. She's just not the type. Even though damn seeing her in that bikini yesterday made my balls blue," I groaned.

"Wild," he laughed, "in due time my friend. You probably heard the news, we broke up."

"You and Anastasia?" I asked.

"Yeah," he sighed.

"I'm sorry man. Here," I walked over to a cabinet and got out a bottle, "to celebrate a single Sammy and a taken Matty."

No Service - m.e [Hotline Bling Sequel] Where stories live. Discover now