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"There's the girl of the hour!" I heard Caprice's familiar voice ramble behind me, causing me to turn around blushing.

"What are you on about?" I questioned with a faint laugh.

"A certain someone went on a date with a certain rich someone over the weekend and someone, me, wants to know what the hell happened! Did you guys hit it?" she gasped with excitement.

"Oh God no," I shuddered, "it was alright. I mean he has his flaws but overall he's a nice person."

"You're hiding something," she uttered.

"What?" I asked as I dragged my fingernails gently down my locker.

"You always drag your fingernails when you're lying or hiding something," she pointed out smugly.

She was right. I did do that. Damn best friends.

"Okay so," I inhaled deeply, "as he was leaving to say goodbye he kissed my.."

"Yes!" she screeched.

"Cheek!" I interjected causing her to frown, "and then he slapped my ass."

"Kara!" she gawked, "you must've told him off then!"

I looked at her with a nervous smile then looked down, blushing.

"Don't tell me you liked it," she shook her head and crossed her arms.

"I did," I whispered and she blew into hysterics.

"Thing is, I don't know why I liked it. He just drives me wild I guess. It's kinda nice," I smiled lightly.

"Wow. Boys really do change a girl sometimes," she laughed as she adjusted her backpack, "so you wanna date him?"

"That's another thing, I don't know. I mean I'm not completely sold as of yet. I think he'll have to impress me a lot more," I explained.

"What's he gonna have to do? Buy you a house?" she chuckled.

"No," I groaned playfully, "he'll have to stop hiding behind this rich boy hot shot persona he has. I wanna know who he really is y'know?"

"Not following. All I hear is money, money, money," she smiled.

"Caprice don't be so two dimensional," I grunted and picked up my backpack, "off I go then."

No Service - m.e [Hotline Bling Sequel] Where stories live. Discover now