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I felt hair brush against my face as I was awoken by minute sounds of anguish.

"Matt," I giggled softly as he managed to wake up.

"Hey," he greeted me croakily with a smile of fatigue.

"You tired?" I asked as I sat up. I pulled my top over my head.

"Well yeah I mean you're a lot harder to please than I thought," he chuckled with a smirk as he looked over at me, "damn but how beautiful is my girlfriend."

"Shut up you," I laughed as I dragged my hand down his face, "I better get going."

"You're not gonna stay for breakfast? It's probably gonna be just us anyways," he mentioned as I got dressed.

"I gotta leave I'm sorry babe," I held his cheek and kissed him.

"Sad Matty," he sulked like a baby.

"You're cute," I giggled and kissed his forehead.

"Let me at least walk you out," he got up and put his boxers on. He put on his sweatshirt and we walked out of his room.

"Matt," I heard a man's voice downstairs.

"What," he murmured under his breath. He held onto my hand tightly and led me downstairs.

We walked into the kitchen to see an old man with quite a young woman.

"Morning dad," Matt greeted.

"Morning," he greeted back as he drank his coffee.

"Morning Matt," the woman greeted.

"Hi Casey," he growled.

"Why don't you call her mom?" his dad asked.

"Because she's not mom," Matt shrugged and wrapped his arm around me.

"And who is this?" Casey asked.

"This is Kara. My girlfriend," he introduced me, "Kara this is my dad and my stepmom Casey."

"Hi Mr and Mrs Espinosa," I smiled and shook both of their hands.

"Why hello," his dad smiled, "I already like her more than that Georgia bandit."

"Dad," Matt gleamed at his dad.

"It's true," he drank from his cup.

"I'd love to stay but I really have to leave. It was a pleasure meeting you," I smiled and waved.

"Come around any time," Casey suggested.

"Thank you I will," I nodded. Matt led me outside and I stood outside my car.

"I'm sorry about that," Matt shook his head and looked down.

"It's alright. They seem nice," I patted his shoulder, "your dad said he likes me more than Georgia. That's a win in my book."

"Yeah. Damn that whore," he cursed, "I'll see you soon my baby."

"Bye babe," I kissed his cheek and got in the car.


I arrived at my house and opened the door. I was greeted by a very angry stepdad and an even angrier mom.

"Oh hey guys," I smiled uneasily.

"Where have you been?" my mom asked.

"I was at Matt's house. He wanted me to come over for dinner and dinner went a bit later than expected so his family suggested I just stay over," I lied.

"You're grounded," my mom declared.

"Saw that coming," I said mutely as I closed my eyes, "how long?"

"Two weeks," my stepdad declared.

"Oof alright," I huffed and trotted up to my room.


No Service - m.e [Hotline Bling Sequel] Where stories live. Discover now