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I opened the door for Caprice as she walked in with bags of snacks.

"Let this girls' afternoon begin!" she exclaimed with a smile.

"Oh my Capri Sun," I giggled.

"Well can you blame me I haven't been able to see my best friend since she's busy with her boyfriend," she mocked.

"Sorry friend," I poked her nose, "and aren't you on the prowl for fresh meat?"

"Mama's resting. She just wants a hook up that's all. A fling, no commitment right now I'm all run out," she huffed.

"Of course," I chuckled and opened a bag of pretzels.

My phone buzzed.

Matty baby

Hey babe can I come over?

I looked over at Caprice as she danced while putting pop tarts in the microwave then at my phone.


I'm with Caprice right now so

Matty baby

I'm with Sam. I could bring him and we could all hang out


Lemme ask her

"Uh Caprice," I uttered nervously.

"Uh oh," she looked at me, "I know what's coming."

"Matt wants to come over. He said that he's with his friend so he's gonna bring him with. Is that cool?" I asked with a look of innocence on my face.

"Ugh but girls' afternoon," she groaned.

"He's cute. His friend. Like extremely cute," I smiled.

"Who is he?" she questioned.

"Sam Wilkinson," I answered.

"Oh damn I've heard of him. Prep school jock. Alright I'll allow him but he has to come," she advised.

"Alright," I laughed as got back on my phone.


She's down

Matty baby

See you soon babe ;)

"They're on their way," I sat on the couch with my bag of pretzels.

"Please can y'all not have sexy time when he gets here," she begged as she ate her pop tarts.

"We won't," I chuckled.

"You say won't like you guys have done it before?" she questioned.

"Well," I uttered.

"Dude is that why you were grounded for two weeks?" she gawked.

"No. I was grounded because I spent the night at his without their knowledge but yeah we did it," I blushed.

"Rara!" she screamed and went crazy.

"Caprice," I laughed.

"Damn. So he good?" she smirked.

"Girl I was like a siren," I smirked and laughed.

"Damn," she coughed, "go girl."

Within moments we heard a knock at the door.

No Service - m.e [Hotline Bling Sequel] Where stories live. Discover now