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"When can I see you?" I asked through the speaker.

"Not for another two weeks. I'm grounded because I spent the night at your place without asking my parents," Kara explained.

"Oh shit. I'm so sorry babe," I apologised sincerely.

"It's okay. I kinda deserve it," she sighed.

"Well I don't regret that you did spend the night. I mean I don't know what I did to deserve two treats in one night but I just wanna say thank you," I smacked my lips together.

"Well to be fair," she giggled which was the cutest thing ever, "chocolate lava cake is kinda my aphrodisiac."

"That is some interesting information that I will store for future use," I smirked.

"Of course you will," she laughed, "listen I gotta go. I'll keep texting you though."

"Great babe bye," I sighed off.

"Bye," she blew a kiss over the phone and dropped the call.

After I dropped the call I heard a sound at my door.

I waited for Sophia to answer it and she did. I heard discussion downstairs and found the voice familiar. I waited until my door was opened then I saw her hair moving swiftly and knew I was in trouble.

"What the damn hell," I cursed.

"Not a way to greet your sugar love," she smiled deviously as she sat on the edge of my bed.

"What are you doing here Georgia?" I asked as I quickly got off of my bed.

"Well I wanted to pay you a visit. Also because you haven't paid me a visit in a while," she explained as she twirled my hair.

"I don't owe you shit. I mean you're the one that got into my pants just for my shit," I scoffed.

"God Matt it was just a joke. I gave it back," she rolled her eyes.

"You gave like two things back. The rest of my stuff you sold. Why? Because you're fucking heartless," I cursed.

"If I'm so heartless then explain why every single time I wrap you around my little pinky you always preach to me about how I'm the best person you know and your love for me will never change," she scoffed.

"Well you can take a hike because I'm taken now. Thanks," I crossed my arms.

"You're bluffing," she declared.

"Here," I threw Kara's jacket at her, "she was here like three days ago."

"Wow," she smelt her jacket which I'll admit is kinda weird but Georgia's crazy so.

"So you're just gonna throw me to the curb like that?" she threw her jacket to the side, "you'll miss me."

"Highly doubt it," I gagged. She shoved past me, dragged her down my chest to end of my shirt and smirked.

"Later loser," she blew a kiss at me and left.


No Service - m.e [Hotline Bling Sequel] Where stories live. Discover now