Chapter 42

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Forests pov
The reception was in a fire hall. It was beautiful. There was a buffet table and many, many tables for people to sit at. Each table had a red table cloth with a smaller green one on top with red and green roses in clear vase on each table. The head table which Jace, Sean, Mark, Matt, Patrick, Liam, Tom, my little brother Liam, Zach, Dillon, Eilyn, Quintin, Callum, and I would sit. Marks friend Liam was pretty cool. He helped Liam hand out some candy while Callum ate. Jace and I spent a lot of time together when we weren't greating fans with Sean and Mark. Watching Jace playing with all the little kids that came was probably the sexiest thing ever. I knew he loved kids but I swear he'd kill himself to make them happy. Then our song cane on. Jace left the kids and came over to get me. He grabbed my waist and pulled me close. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he began to sing. I melted into his voice.

"You're alone, you're on your own.
So what? Have you gone blind? Have you forgotten what you have and what is yours?
Glass half empty, glass half full, well either way you won't be going thersty. Count your blessings not your flaws.

You've got it all, you lost your mind in the sound. There so much more you can reclaim your crown. You're in controle. Rid of the monsters inside your head. Put all your faults to bed. You can be king again." Jace sang

Slowly but surely I began to fall in love with this man all over again. This is the song he always sings to me when I'm having a hard time or I'm having a relapse.

"You don't get what all this is about. You're to wrapped up in your self-doubt. You've got that young blood set it free.

You've got it all, you lost your mind in the sound. There so much more you can reclaim your crown. You're in controle. Rid of the monsters inside your head. Put all your faults to bed. You can be king.

There's method in my madness, there's no logic in your sadness. You don't gain a single thing from misery. Take it from me.

You've got it all, you lost your mind in the sound. There so much more you can reclaim your crown. You're in controle. Rid of the monsters inside your head. Put all your faults to bed. You can be king.

You've got it all, you lost your mind in the sound. There so much more you can reclaim your crown. You're in controle. Rid of the monsters inside your head. Put all your faults to bed. You can be king again." Jace sang as the sing ended

I smiled as he finished and Jace kissed me deeply. I love him very very much. Jace and I smiled at eachother and before I knew it he was dragged away by kids again. I laughed and went to get some chocolate. I still can't believe Jace hasn't eaten strawberries the whole time we've been together. Sean said they used to be part of his favourite foods. I do feel bad that he gave them up for me but he's told me hundreds of times that if it was a big deal we wouldn't be together. The wedding was beautiful. Liam had fun making all kinds of friends. Jace was playing with all the little kids. Mark and Sean were talking with old friends and fans. It was beautiful. I met so many people from Jace's adopted and biological family. Eilyn met a few girls that were from our home area. Apparently they bullied her in school but after meeting Jace and I they said they realised that it wasn't weired at all. Jace was really happy that he could help Eilyn. I still can't get over how much he has invested himself into my family. I obviously know that he would invest a lot of his time and energy into me but I didn't expect him to invest himself into my family like this. I swear if you didn't know any better you'd think he was part of the family. Jace is an absalotly amazing man and I honestly don't think I'll find anyone better. Mark and Sean have been like parents to my whole family, because of them Matt isn't working as much, the kids don't have to work at all anymore, I still have a job but so does Jace. It's just a healthy part of growing up. However Matt and I don't have to worry about money, none of us have to wonder when our next meal will be, not that I let any of the kids worry about that often anyway. I finally have a collage fund that I don't have to dip into every month or two. It's just amazing. Jace's whole family is amazing.

"Babe?" Jace asked


"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Why?" I said

"You're crying." Jace pointed out

"Your family is just so fucking amazing. I don't know what I'd do without them." I smiled

I watched the worry leave his expression and instead it was replaced with a smile as he hugged me and kisses my cheek. Mark, Sean, Jace and I stepped out for a few minutes into some fresh air. Chance was at the dog shelter getting some more training for Jace. We were dancing to the sound of loud music outside.

"There you are you little shit." Some man said

"D-daddy." Jace stuttered

This must be Mike.

"You're damn right. You are coming home to Daddy now, aren't you?" He asked smiling

"N-no." I said so quiet it was almost a whisper

"What!? Racesa Evelyn Marie it's time to stop playing this game!" He yelled

Jace sighed and looked at the door. Sean and Mark were inside now. They went in about ten minutes ago.

"I-I'm sorry Daddy. I won't run away again." Jace cried

I stepped towards the door.

"That's my good girl." He said grabbing Jace

"D-daddy, shouldn't we wait until we're home?" Jace asked as Mike kissed his neck roughly

I couldn't stand to see this. I ran inside and grabbed Mark, pulling him outside. By the time we got there Mike was dragging Jace off somewhere. Mark ran over and gave the drunk a good punch in the face knocking him down. Jace jumped into Marks arms.

"I'm sorry Dad. I-I didn't know what to d-do." Jace cried

Soon Sean and Matt were out. Sean ran over to Jace. Matt asked what happened and I explained. He looked furious. Matt has always had a connection to Jace, I just don't know how.

"Matt?" I asked

"What?" He asked calmly

"What is your connection to Jace? I mean... I know we're not related so what's the connection?" I asked

"Mike's son. I went to school with him for a while. We were with the cops when they saved Jace. I wanted to take him but with everything going on at the time... We couldn't. Mike's son wanted him out of the family so Mike wouldn't find him as easy." Matt explained

"Oh. I guess that makes sense." I said

Sean, Mark, and Matt got Jace to calm down a little so I went over and hugged him tightly. Now I understand why he was so hesatent on some things. I love him though. No matter how ugly his past is.

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