Chapter 50

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Mark's pov
It's been two years now. Jace and Forest are in their last year of high school. The two boys have grown into such an amazing couple. Jace can now walk, just not a lot. It's amazing. Sean and I still do YouTube, Jace and Forest both have amazing channels as well.

"Mark, are you lost, hello? Earth to me fat'er." Jace said smiling

"Oh, hey dude, what's up?" I asked

"Not much, just wanted to get out of bed for a while. It's killing me." Jace said smiling

Jace has been spending a lot of time sleeping lightly. He hasn't been feeling well at all and it's really been showing. He's been losing weight rapidly, he's been sleeping as I already said, it reminds me of when my father got sick... No. He's alright. I'm sure it's just a bad flue or something. We've all been starting to get worried.

"How are you feeling?" I asked

"Tired." Jace sighed

"Why don't you head back to bed, get some sleep. I'm heading to bed myself soon." I smiled

"Yeah, sounds good to me." Jace smiled going back upstairs

I sighed as I headed up to mine as Sean's room flopping onto the bed. Sean was already asleep and I wasn't worried about waking him honestly. I stripped down to my boxers and curled up in bed with him, little did I know what awaited me that night.


"Mark! Mark wake up! Something's wrong with Jace!" I heard Forest yell

Sean and I both jumped out of bed, running into Jace and Forest's bedroom. Jace was kind of sitting but leaned over clutching his chest, he wasn't breathing normally. He was almost gasping for air, and coughing like crazy. Forest looked terrified. I picked up the phone and dialed 911.

"911, what seems to be the emergency?" A voice asked

"My son, something's wrong, he can't breath." I said slightly panicked

"There's and ambulance on its way sir. Can you tell me more about what's going on?" They asked

"I don't know, my son's boyfriend came in, woke me and my husband up and we came in to Jace clutching his chest gasping for air!" I trailed off

"Okay, sir clam down please." They said

I took a deep breath and focused on the conversation.

"Okay, there should be an ambulance there any second. Can you get a bag ready for him of things he may need quickly? Or clear anything that may be in the way?" They suggested

"Yeah, I'll get Jace's boyfriend to go wait by the door." I said even though that was not on the list that was mentioned

"Perfect, why don't you tell me a little bit about what you're packing for your son?" They suggested obviously trying to keep my mind off the situation

I nodded and picked up a bag and began packing. "I'm packing my son a lose chest binder and his Packers." I started

"Is your son transgender?" They asked

"Yes. That's why I'm packing an old binder. He's always saying how it honestly feel looser then a bra." I smiled

"Oh, that makes sence. What else?" She asked

"His phone charger." I kept listing off things zipping around desperately waiting for the paramedics to arrive. When they finally did they took Jace and Forest who also had bags for both of them. Finally I sat down and for the first time ever, I let my emotions out during the rush of everything.

"Shhhh, it'll be alright Markimoo." Sean said comforting me

"Yeah, I'm just scared. I mean... What if something is really wrong?" I asked

This is when Eilyn came out of her room. Yes, we expanded the house and took in Forests siblings. Matt moved in with his girlfriend so Sean and I took in the kids.

"Mark?" Eilyn asked

"What's up sweetheart?" I asked wiping the tears from my face

"Is Jace going to be okay?" She asked

"Yes honey, he's going to be alright, I promise." I said hugging her

Jace and Eilyn are probably almost as close as Jace and Forest are but in a slightly different way. Eilyn and Jace are closer then any of the other kids are to Jace. Eilyn is like his little shadow and he does anything to protect Eilyn. Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, he beat up some seventh grader a month ago because he slapped Eilyn. Sean had already called his mother who now lives in a little apartment to come watch the kids for us. She's amazing and never turns down an opportunity to watch them. Then Sean, Eilyn, and I got into the car. As much as Eilyn loves spending time with her grandma she wouldn't stay home. When we arrived at the oh so familiar hospital we were greeted by a doctor.

"Are you Sean and Mark McLoughlin?" He asked

"Yes, were here for Jace, how is he?" I asked

"He's breathing and stable. You can go in and see him if you like. Were running a few tests on him." The doctor said

"Alright. Also, he's got a dog at home... A sirvaces dog. Are we able to bring it to him at some point... I don't think either of them will do well without him." Sean asked

"Yes of course, once we figure stuff out." The doctor smiled

"Thanks." Sean smiled as we went into Jace's room

Jace, of course was asleep. His lips were a light shade of blue, his skin was paler then usual, he had many mechienes hooked up to him.

"Mark!" Forest exclaimed hugging me

"How is he?" I asked

"They had to drain fluid from his lungs or something. They were talking about so much medical stuff. But I uh.... I heard the dirty C word come up." Forest said sadly

The "dirty C" word was something that Jace and his mum made up when she was still here. It ment Cancer. Cancer was the dirty C word nobody ever wanted to hear from a doctor. Now my own son is laying here hooked up to a bunch of mechienes. I knew this seemed a lot like when Dad got sick. I sighed in defeat and sat down in a chair. A few hours later a doctor came in and took Jace for a few tests. CAT scans, PET scans, and some other stupid medical things I didn't pay attention to. I didn't want to pay attention. I just wanted to wake from this nightmare. I knew Sean had cut himself already, the way he kept fidgeting with his bracelets told me that. He always messed around with them when he was trying to hide something. Finally after a few days of pure agony they finally told us... Jace had cancer. He had lung cancer or something like that. Just as before, I didn't pay attention. Then after a few weeks we got to bring him home. He had an oxygen mechiene so he could breath easier and he had chemo therapy and radiation and a bunch of other shit he had to do now. However just his luck, because of his cancer they are considering top surgery for him so he doesn't have to wear a binder. If all goes well it will be fairly soon. I just... I can't believe he's got stupid fucking cancer. Why couldn't it be me?

"The only this worse then biting it from cancer, is having a kid bite it from cancer." ~ John Green

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