chapter 9

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Marks POV
Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and today is just gonna be a little blog with the family. Say 'hi' guys. I said
Top of the morning to yah. Sean said
Mark, I just rolled out of bed. I look like a fucking potato. Get the camera away from me. Racesa said
Well. Someone's grumpy. Liam said
Love you too Liam. Racesa said walking up stairs
Well that was exciting. I said
Are you friggin streaming. Mark I don't even have a shirt on! You lucky I love you.

Sean gave me a kiss and ran off to grab a shirt.

Septiplier AWAY! Racesa yelled
Yah. This will be put into a try not to fangirl challenge. I said
Mark ye fockin arse. I love you. Sean said
Love you too Seanipoo. I said
Sean we're getting our hair dyed today, right? Racesa asked
Yah baby girl we're getting out hair dyed today. Sean said

Fangirl14: Why do you guys dye yout hair anyway. Is it just for fun?

Hey Racesa, wanna tell the fans why Sean and I dye our hair? I asked
Well, from what I used to guess you guys did it as a fund raiser with the Cyndgo guys and then after Danny you just kinda kept doing it. Mainly because it became a trademark for Seans channel and I think also in memory of Danny. Especially for Markimoo. Am I right? Racesa asked
Yah Chicki, your right. I told her

Fangirl14: That's sweet but also sad. Thanks for explaining Racea.
CynbgoFan: RIP Daniel. We all miss you buddy.
Markimoo: Miss you Danny.
Jackie: Buh bye Dan.

Mark. Liam snapped his fingers in front of my face
What? I said shaking my head
You good? Liam asked

I just noticed I didn't have the camera anymore. Racesa must have taken it.

Yah, I'm good. Just miss him, that's all. I explained to Liam
Yah. I get it. I miss him too. So does Race. She watches old skits you guys used to do. She always says she didn't even notice. Danny was a role modal for her for a long time. She loves the skits with Wilfard in them though. You should do more of those. Liam told me
Okay. I could do that. I said
Cool. Now let's get back to your livestreem. Liam said

We walked back out and Racesa and Sean we're on their way out the door. Liam and I quickly threw on our shoes and followed them out.

So Racesa, is it gonna be galixy again? I asked
I'm debating between teal and green. I wanna go with teal because it's the colour of the cancer awareness ribbon that killed my mum. But I wanna do green for mental Health. There's also orange for self harm and yellow for suicide. Racesa explained
I don't think yellow would come out in your hair Race. Liam said
I think that if we get a darkish orange it'll look good.

Popemjihere: Green!
Violet: Go green Race
Spam: Go green and orange!
Dean: green and orange
Luc21: go green and orange vroom - vroom.

The fans say go green or go green and orange. Sean said
I'll go green and orange. Racesa said
Racesa who the hell calls you Vroom - vroom? I asked
Luc. Racesa smiled
Why? I asked
We went to summer camp togeather and he couldn't remember my name. Everybody called me Racecar except Luc. He called me Vroom - vroom. Racesa explained
Someday I'll have to meet this Luc. Does he live in Nova Scotia? Sean asked
New Brunswic as far as I know. Racesa said
I have a tour date there this summer. I said
Really!?! Racesa squealed
Really. I repeated.
Here we are Racesa. To dye our hair! Sean said

I streamed Sean and Racesa dyeing their hair. Then we went to the archery club. Racesa was so excited.

Have any of you shout before? The assistant asked
I have. Racesa said
Me too. I said
Yup. Liam said
Nope. Sean said looking embarrassed
Well today you're gonna learn. Racesa said
Racesa is a lefty. Liam and I are right handed. I said
Oh, a lefty. You guys are rare. What have you shot with before? The assistant asked
Just a basic bow. These ones actually. Racesa said picking up a left-handed bow
Ah. School bow. I don't understand why they use bows that are so heavy. The assistant said
Yah. I started archery in grade 4. The bow was heavier than me. Racesa said
Alright. You three go shoot. Sean, you can come with me. She said

I stayed back and watched. I taped Racesa and Liam. Liam was everywhere but Racesa. Damn she was good. She was hitting bullseyes. It got to the point where she actually split and arrow. Everyone in the room clapped. She just smiled and tried to hide I guess.

Hello, Racesa. I'm the manager and I just wanted to ask if you'd join our archery team. We're starting compititions next week and we'd be honoured to have someone so skilled. He asked
Um. Yah sure. As long as I can continue using this bow. Racesa said
No problem. Take it with you if you'd like. Those aren't very popular because of their weight. He said
I learned on one. Racesa smiled
Impressive. He said

After that we left and went home. Once we arrived home Sean, Liam, Racesa and I had supper. Racesa and Sean made some stir-fry. Liam and I made cake as a suprise while Racesa and Sean we're off doing their own things.

(Time skip cause I'm bored lol)

We arrived in New Brunswic Canada. Once we found a hotel and we're settled there was a knock at the door. Racesa opened the door and there stood a blond haired boy. He was tall, maybe 5'9. He was muscular aswell. He had deep blue eyes. He was wearing a black t-shirt with a part of jeans.

Luc! Racesa shouted hugging him
Hey Racecar! Luc said hugging her and then kissing her forehead
Awwww. My littler sister has a crush. Liam said
Be quiet Lee. How've you been Luc? You're taller than I remember. Racesa said
I've been good. Grew a little. God I messed you. Luc said

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