Chapter 47

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A.N: Before I start this chapter I would just like to say that I myself have never been to Disney Land or any Disney resort at all so if I mess something up I'd just like to apologize. Thanks, Jace

Jace's pov
Today we arrived in Disney and got settled into our hotel room. The people at the front desk were amazingly understanding with Forest and I being in wheelchairs. Forest and I had our own room with Sean and Mark right next door. It was so cool.

"What are you thinking baby?" Forest asked

"I smell." I giggled

"Well we both do, why don't we go have a shower?" Forest suggested

"Sounds good to me, but I have to do one thing first." I said digging a bed sheet out of my suit case

"You brought he sheet with you?" Forest asked

"Well yeah, for your comfort and mine." I smiled

We both went into the bathroom and had a quick shower and then we met up with Sean and Mark for supper.

"May I ask what you're most excited to be here for?" A worker asked

"The Harry Potter stuff!" Forest said excitedly

"Ah yes. We have recently upgraded things in the castle for wheelchair access, if you would have come here about two months ago it wouldn't have been done yet." She smiled

"Wait, we won't have to walk all day?!" I said happily

"Nope, you guys can use your wheelchairs. We get kids in wheelchairs here all the time so we finally brought up the fact to our manager so they wouldn't have to walk all the time." She smiled happily

"Wow, that's amazing!" Mark smiled

"Anyway, shall we start with drinks?" She asked

"Okay, we'll take a Root Beer for me, a Sprite for Mark, and two chocolate milkshakes for the boys." Sean smiled

"Alright, I'll be back in a few minutes with your drinks." The worker smiled and left

"She seems way to happy with her job." I laughed

I looked at the menu and tried to find something I'd like. It's definitely not Sean's cooking but I finally decided on a chicken wrap. When the waitress came back we ordered, Forest ordered my food for me because of my anxiety. We all are and talked, it was loads of fun. After supper we went to bed. Sleep did not come easy that night but I did eventually fall asleep. The next morning was a little hectic. The first thing we noticed was two letters by our door. They were letters from Hogwarts. The workers here really tried their best.

"So, to Diagon Ally?" Forest asked

"Yeah!" I said smiling

We got dressed and went over to Mark and Sean's room, who were still sleeping.

"Sean, Mark, get up!" Forest yelled

"Dad, Pa, get your assess our of bed!" I yelled

"Ugh, what?" Sean winned

"Look Pa, we got letters from Hogwarts!" I yelled excitedly

"Wait, really?!" Sean said looking

"Yeah!" I exclaimed

"Well have you opened it?" Mark asked

"No, not yet." I sighed

"Well, go on." Mark said

I opened the letter and read what it had said. Then we had our school supply list. We all got breakfast and then made our way to 'Diagon Ally' it was so cool! We went through and went to all the shops. We bought a whole bunch of things, school uniform, a teddy bear owl and cat, and many other things. Then we finally made it to Olivanders. Nathan and Lauren were a little less nerdy then Forest and I but they still had fun. I went up and looked at the men behind the counter. He smiled at me and passed me a wand.

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