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Chenle hung onto a tree, he looked over and saw Jisung was stuck under the canoe.


he pushed off of the tree and swam over to jisung, fighting the current to the most of his ability,

"Chenle it's on my legs!" Jisung screamed trying to push the canoe off.

"Hang on!" He yelled, grabbing the oar that was beached and swimming back too Jisung

He lodged the oar under the canoe and tried to lift it up,

"MY LEG!" Jisung cried out in pain

"Try to kick into the sand, get lower under the canoe!" Chenle yelled, desperately trying to push the canoe away from Jisung.

They both heard jaeun and her stupid friends hysterically laughing, all Chenle could manage was a middle finger as he finally moved the canoe off of Jisung, sending it downstream with their belongings.

Chenle pulled Jisung to the shore and fell to the sand,

"God, Jisung are you okay? I- I'm so sorry."

Jisung  nodded and looked down at his leg,

It was cut up and bleeding a bit,
It wasn't a serious injury, but it would bruise pretty bad.

"God, jisung I'm so sorry." He sighed, pulling the younger in for a hug, he began to tear up but tried not to cry

"Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything , lele." Jisung mumbled, hugging chenle back.

"I'm just sorry my psychotic ex keeps hurting you. No wonder I'm not straight." Chenle laughed a little , tightening his grip on Jisung. 

"That was a good one" he laughed, leaning back, " we should probably go catch our canoe."

"No, you stay here I'll be back."


"Guys what is taking them so long? It's rapids, they should be out by now. I'm starting to get worried." Renjun said.

The rest of the group had already beached and were waiting for the youngest so that they could leave.

"I'm sure they're fine, Renjun, Jisung used to do this-" Jeno started, seeing something in the distance, " oh god is that?"

"Oh god it's their canoe." Mark jumped up and pulled the canoe over to the beach, " that's not good. "

Just then jaeun and her group beached their canoe and chuckled when they saw the canoe that was half flooded and scratched. 

Renjun had had enough. He walked over and stopped them,
"What the hell did you do to them?"

"Whatever do you mean, Renjun? " Jaeun asked, batting her eyelashes

"What the hell did you do to Jisung and Chenle? Tell me, now." He said, getting very close to her .

"U-uh" she mumbled, stumbling back a little, " I dunno, seems as if the current caught them." She laughed, flipping her hair and walking away.

"God I want to punch her in th-"

"Renjun, calm down." Jaemin said pulling Renjun by his arm back to the group, "Violence will get us nowhere."

Renjun nodded and sighed annoyingly.

"Guys what are we gonna do about this?" Haechan asked, "we're eight miles away from our cars, the transportation bus will be here any time, and we have no clue where they are."

They all sighed and thought for a minute before hearing someone yell in the distance.

"My leg!"


Yeah I'm doing it again

What you gonna do about it

@ me bro

Jkjk ily


Difficult  ;; Chensung ✅Where stories live. Discover now