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"WHOO HOO, SUMMER BREAK, BITCHES!" Jaehyun screamed walking out of the school, only to get slapped in the back of the head by Doyoung.

"There are CHILDREN present." He huffed.

"Yeah, Jaehyun. Damn." Renjun said, smirking.

"YOU LITTLE-" Doyoung screamed, now chasing Renjun.

Everyone started laughing,

"Hey guys, you remember Yuta, right?" Winwin asked, gaining everyones attention. When they nodded, he continued,

"He moved back in town, could he join us at our bonfire tonight?"

"Yuta is back?" Jisung asked, happily, Winwin nodded.

"Of course!" Taeil exclaimed.

"I'll call him now." Winwin walked off, pulling out his phone.

"Right so, who all is coming tonight? I need to know how much pizza to order." Johnny asked, opening the notes in his phone.

"Are we still going, Ji? I know it's kinda hard for you to get around." chenle quietly asked his boyfriend,

"Of course! i'll be fine!"

"okay! We are coming, Johnny."

"Alright, cool. So we have.. Me, Ten, Taeyong, Taeil, Yuta, Winwin, Jeno, Jaemin, Jisung, Chenle, Jaehyun, Mark, Donghyuck, i think that Doyoung and Renjun are, but i'll ask when they stop trying to kill one another. Lucas is coming, and i'm not sure about Jungwoo, Lucas have you talked to him?"

"Yeah, he said he'd be there after chess"

"Okay. Chenle, is Kun coming?" Johnny asked, looking up from his phone.

"Nope, they're going out of town. Ask doyoung about Yeri though, she and her friends might come."

"got it. Hey do me a favor and cuss, Mark"

"What?" He looked at Johnny, " why?"

"We need to get Doyoung and Renjun over here, so just do it, Mr. Foreign Swagger" Johnny smirked.

"IT WAS TWO YEARS AGO, LET ME LIVE, DAMMIT" Mark yelled, his eyes widened realizing what he'd done.

"WHO SAID IT?" Doyoung screamed, running over at the speed of light.

"Doyoung are you, Yeri, and the rest of her group coming tonight?"


"MARK DID IT!" Jisung scremed out, him and chenle immediately laughing.

"RUn mark, RUN!" Donghyuck screamed.

"FRICK!" Mark screamed as Doyoung ran after him

Renjun finally returned with suds on his face, out of breath.

"Why.. the actual heck.. does doyoung.. carry SOAP on him"

Everyone started laughing and Jeno gave renjun a watter bottle

"I gave it to him, because he'll deal with your potty mouth!" Taeyoung laughed even harder.

"EVIL!" Renjun screamed, pointing at him.

"Renjun, you coming tonight?" Johnny asked, getting tired of being interrupted.

He nodded and swished the water in his mouth then spat it out.

"When do you have to be at the doctor's?" Chenle asked, turning to Jisung.

"In a few hours, we're fine."

Chenle nodded as Winwin walked up with a confused look on his face,

"What is it, Sicheng?"

"W-why did i just see doyoung dump foaming soap on Mark?"

"Dear god." Donghyuck sighed walking over to doyoung to attempt to wrestle the soap away from him.

The whole group erupted in laughter, again, and at this point Ten was on the ground, crying because he'd been laughing so hard.

~ time skip ~

"Jisung we gotta go, you're gonna be late."

"But lele im having fun!"

"Your health is important, come on" Chenle sighed, he'd tried to get Jisung to leave the school an hour ago, and now they'd be late.

He shook his head no and turned back around to the group.

"That's it." Chenle huffed, picking Jisung up, then grabbing his crutch.

"PUT ME DOWN!" Jisung slightly kicked,

"Bye guys, we'll see you tonight."

Everyone in the group laughed, and waved to them, all but Renjun, he'd left a while ago.

"Here's the address it's behind. Follow trail through the woods into the cornfield, it's at 7 p.m., and if anyone asks how you got there, keep your mouth SHUT about me. Got it?"

The person he was speaking to nodded.

"Good, and don't do something stupid."


"Told you it wouldn't be THAT bad" Chenle smirked at the pouting Jisung.


"Ok, ok, will ice cream help?"

"Um, of course." Jisung scoffed, sarcastically rolling his eyes.

"Got it." Chenle jumped up from the bench he and Jisung were at, and ran to the ice cream parlor across the street.

"God, that kid- is that renjun?" Jisung talked to himself as he thought he saw Renjun  talking to someone across the street, he looked stressed and nervous,

"Who is he talking to?" He asked himself again as he saw Renjun hand the person a piece of paper.

Renjun moved to walk away, and Jisung got clear view of the person,

"oh god is that- No way."



this chapter is kinda EverYwhEre

but whatevs.

enjoy yet another cliff hanger.


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