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I'm sorry, the number you have dialed is not available at the moment, hang up and try again or press one for more options. Please leave a voicemail after the tone.

"Chenle, please don't go. I know we got in a fight, I know i was a jerk, please don't leave me-"

I'm sorry, this person's mailbox is full, or has a mailbox that has not been set up yet, goodbye.

"DAMMIT!" Jisung screamed, throwing his phone with tears still on his cheeks.

"no, no I am not giving up."

He got up and sat down at his desk where his laptop was,

search 🔍; flight to shanghai|

"Where did my phone go?" He asked himself, hitting enter, "there it is"

He picked up his phone and dialed Kun's number,


"If chenle were to go back to china, where would he stay?"

probably with his grandmother why-

"What is her address?"

Jisung why? and what's wrong?

"Kun please just tell me."

get a piece of paper.


"Maybe i'll beat him there..." He scrambled and packed a bag, running down the stairs.

"Jisung where are you going?"

"uh im gonna stay at Johnny's house for a bit, is that okay?"

"Sure honey, be careful, I love you."

"Love you too mom."

Jisung ran outside and got in his car, he drove to the airport as fast as he possibly could.

"God i only have my temps, i'm such an idiot." (Temps is short for temporary licence, you have to have it before you can drive k bye)

Jisung drove the quickest route he new, but it still took 25 minutes.

"It's still 7 am, what if he left yesterday night? "

"I looked and this was the earliest flight"

"god maybe he's still here, I am too scared to go to china."

He said many things like this during the drive, when he finally arrived he parked his car and ran into the airport as fast as possible, gaining odd looks from everyone around him.

He finally got cleared through security and decided to look around for Chenle,

he wasn't in the waiting area,

he wasn't in the gift shops,

he wasn't in a restaurant either.

Jisung decided to get some coffee and went into the cafe.

he took his drink and sat in one of the booths and tried to text Chenle again,

-Chenle im about to do something very stupid

but it'll be worth it.

he sighed and put his phone down.

"what if i can't find him?" he mumbled to himself, starting to tear up.

then he heard someone's phone ding


heh so i may or may not have tricked @honeyrenjun

into helping me with this chapter.

you thought i was talking ab chaelisa

you thought wrong.


Difficult  ;; Chensung ✅Where stories live. Discover now