Chapter 2

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                   Early  morning, around  6.00. The  sun  wasn't  up  yet  and  you  can  be  sure  the  Titans  sure  aren't, well.......All  except  one....

                      Raven  sneaked  quietly  out  of  her  room, taking  note  not  to  make  any  sounds  or  she  might  wake  the  other  Titans, especially  Robin, who  had  the  room  just  next  door. He  was  an  especially  light  sleeper  and  even  the  slightest  rouse  would  have  him  up  in  his  defensive  position  within  half  a  second. She  tiptoed  past  his  room, carrying  a  small  bag  which  contained  all  her  neccessities  for  the  test. Quietly, one  step  at  a  time  until  she  was  past  his  room  and  then  suddenly.............

"What  are  you  doing  up  so  early?" A  voice  said  from  behind  and  Raven  knew  she  was  caught.

"Nothing, just.....going  out  for  some  air. You?" She  replied.

"With  that  bag  around? No  way, now  tell." The  voice  said  demandingly, completely  ignoring  her  first  question.

"I  can't." She  answered.

"Come  on. I  know  something's  up, we  have  a  bond  remember?" He  asked.

                  Raven  groaned  in  her  mind. Day's  like  this  she  wondered  why  she  even  bothered  to  keep  that  bond  intact. It  was  crazy  how  well  he  could  read  her  sometimes, then  again. She  could  do  the  same, she  could  tell  he  was  feeling  a  mixture  of  worry, confusion  and  annoyance. With  a  sigh, she  realised  there  was  no  escape  from  this.

"If  you  must  know, I'm  going  back  to  Azarath  for  the  test." She  answered  monotonely.

"Why  didn't  you  wake  us  up? I'm  sure  we  could  get  the  Titans  East  to  substitute  for  us  while  we're  gone-" He  started  to  say.

"NO!" Raven  said, cutting  him  off.

"Why  not? I  mean, the  Titan's  would  be  happy  to  support  you.

"No............" Raven  said, drifting  off.

                   Robin  looked  at  Raven, confused. There  was  something  more  to  this  that  he  wasn't  getting  but  could  feel. Something  Raven  wanted  to  hide  from  him, from  the  Titans. It  was  killing  her  and  he  knew  it, but  it  would  never  do  to  force  her  to  tell, she's  just  lose  control  of  her  emotions  and  blow  everything  up  and  in  Robin's  opinion, he  doesn't  feel  like  today  is  a  good  day  to  have  Titan's  Tower  destroyed.

"Well, at  least  let  me  come  with  you. I'll  understand  if  you  don't  want  the  other  Titans  to  come  but  you'll  need  a  friend, or  at  least  someone  who  can  help  you  study." He  said.

"Well..............." Raven  said, weighing  her  options. She  could  use  someone  to  help  her  study  and  find  books  and  Robin  isn't  like  the  others. He  isn't  extremely  playful  or  prone  to  talking  every  waking  moment  or  curious. Yes, he  would  be  nice  as  help. And  i'll  need  all  the  support  I  can  get.

"Fine, but  under  my  rules." She  said.

"Done." Robin  replied, nodding.

"Now, go  pack, we  leave  in  an  hour."

                         While  Robin  rushed  to  pack  his  things, Raven  sat  down  in  the  living  room  and  made  herself  a  cup  of  herbal  tea  for  the  morning. As  she  sat  down  and  drank  it, she  remembered  the  other  Titans. What  would  they  think  if  she  and  Robin  were  suddenly  gone  with  the  wind? She  quickly  picked  up  a  notepad  from  the  kitchen  table  and  wrote  the  other's  a  message  explaining  everything. When  she  was  done, Robin  rushed  out. "You  done?" She  asked. "Done." He  said, showing  her  a  small  messenger  bag. She  gulped  down  the  rest  of  the  tea  quickly  and  Robin  and  her  left  to  the  roof  so  she  could  begin  the  spell  that  would  take  her  to  Azarath.

                            As  soon  as  she  sat  down  in  her  lotus  position, two  glass  flasks  containing  magical  sand  popped  up. Without  opening  her  eyes, she  directed  the  flasks  and  they    poured  the  sand  in  a  circle  around  her, making  sure  to  keep  everything  equal  as  one  little  grain  of  sand  out  of  place  and  they'd  end  up  somewhere  else. After  the  sand  was  poured, 7  candles  positioned  themselves  on  the  sand, keeping  equal  distances  apart. Then, before  she  said  the  spell, Raven  motioned  for  Robin  to  come  into  the  circle. "Ready?" She  asked. Robin  took  her  hand. "Ready." He  said. 

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos...Carazon Rakashas Enderez...Vaserix Endrien Azararth...Azarath, AZARATH!" Raven  said  and  immediately, the  magic  circle  glowed  white  and  projected  up  into  the  air, sending  a  portal. Raven  and  Robin  floated, hand-in-hand  into  the  portal  and  it  closed  as  they  crossed  the  path  between  dimensions.

A/N: Sorry  this  is  so  long  and  so  boring. It  had  to  be  done. The  next  one  will  show  of  Raven's  rivalry  with  her  brothers  and  you'll  know  who  the  Azarathian's  are  rooting  for.

Disclaimer: I  don't  own  any  of  the  characters. Just  the  plot.

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