Chapter 12

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A/n: ok this chap is dedicated to BadLuck4Ever and DiavonneRampersant. 1000 reads. Wow u people r so suportive. Thanks for all the reads and support. Without you i dont think I would've been able to write this much or have any will to continue this story at all.

The house of Dr. Fate. So serene that it is all but invisible to the outside world. The tower of Fate stands where only those who know of it's secrets and exact location can find it. Inside, the lord of order stands busy trying to figure out a new case.

"So, you want me to translate this?"

"Yes, but can you read it Doc? I know Raven's books are a little-"

"No, it's alright, I can translate it. Or at least Nabu can."

Kent Nelson looked at the page seriously while the other four looked at him curiously. In a moment, he shut the book with a slam and beckoned for the others to follow him. They went onto a number of staircases until finally, they found the helmet of fate displayed on top of a wooden table and covered with a glass case.

Kent took the helmet out and placed it on him. Becoming Doctor Fate. Without a second thought, Fate looked at the book. "so, can you do it?" Starfire asked. Doctor Fate just looked at her and replied "Yes child. Yes I can. But I'm going to need these ingredients." He projected a few ingredients to them. "They can be found in the tower. The attic to be exact."

They nodded and climbed up a very long staircase to reach the attic.

A/n: So here's how they looked on the way.

Flight 1: Cyborg: Woo hoo, Let's go find Rae and Rob!

Flight 5: Starfire: How long does this staircase go? BB: Not the faintest idea Star.

Flight 10: Silver Swan: well this is getting annoying. Cyborg: *huff* Tell me about it

Flight 25: Cyborg: (looks at a sign) The attic is........100 more levels?!? BB: Is Dr. Fate nuts? What does he need 125 levels for? SS: Actually Fate and Inza teleport everywhere.

Flight 50: Cyborg *collapses* while star and silver swan come back for him. You...guyyys goo on without me.

FLight 100: Everyone climbs up the stairs in an exhausted fashion. Starfire and Silver Swan give up flying and are now climbing like everyone else.

Flight 125: Opens a door and collapses into the room. "The attic, Finally!" BB said.

They took a long awaited rest and started to search for the things they need. "2 vials of sorcery sand, 5 white candles-used- and an Azarathian artifact." Silver Swan read from the list Fate had given them. They looked around and found th things needed and left back to Doctor Fate. On the way, they met Inza who gave them some tea. "So what have you been up to?" She asked. "Finding the ingradients he needs. By the way, is your house really 125 floors?" Beast Boy asked. "Oh, he asked you to go to the attic did he now? Why didn't you just go to the one on the 10th floor?" She asked.

All of them looked at her, their mouths gaped open. "Oh he didn't tell you. There's an attic every 10 floors. Obviously you don't expect fate to climb 125 flights of stairs everytime he needs something do you?" She asked comically. "We thought he teleported." Silver Swan said. "oh silly no." Inza replied.

By the time they handed the ingredients to Doctor Fate, he had already prepared everything else. "About time." he said annoyed. He took the ingredients from them and with the other ingredients he had prepared. He formed a white circle with the sorcery sand and placed the 5 candles at equal distances to form a star shape. "everyone please get into the circle."

They all entered the circle quietly as not to disrupt the Doctors concentration. "Alright. Let's begin." He looked at them and sat in the middle of the circle, crossing his legs into a lotus position. "Azarath Metrion Zinthos.......Carazon Rakashas Enderez......Vaserix Endrien Azarath....Azarath....Azarath!" He chanted and they were all enveloped by a blinding light that took them to none other than the Utopia that is Azarath.

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