Chapter 7

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A/N: Hey people! Exams are finally over and I am free as a bird! So you can expect updates more often. I can't believe this when I came online today. Nearly 500 reads! Thanks to all of you who are supporting me by reading this. You guys are awesome! So finally heres the 7th chapter.

         Back in Azarath Raven and Robin had been hiding behind a bookshelf with Raven pacing around anxiously. "What are we going to do?" She kept asking Robin. He shook his head to show he hadn't thought of anything yet. "She's gonna kill me!" Raven screamed now more panicked than ever. Robin looked over to her and asked her to calm down but Raven kept pacing and mumbling swear words. It was until Robin had finally had enough. "Rae, we're gonna be fine. Please calm down." He said getting up and taking her by the hand. She looked stunned for a moment and finally calmed down.

         "Hold me Robin." Raven said and Robin held her tighly to comfort her and calm her down. Suddenly, a voice behind them spoke. "Where have you two been?!?" Both stiffened and turned around to meet the wrath of Arella. "I.....I.....I can explain." Raven stuttered. Robin looked at her encouragingly. "Well then. Explain. I'm waiting." Arella tapped her foot on the ground to prove a point. Raven opened her mouth but no words came out of it. Quick as The Flash, Robin came to her rescue. "She was showing me which books I should get her and well she sort of got lost in the moment." Robin said.

             Arella looked at them surprised. "But I called you two, why didn't you answer me?" She asked curiously. "Well you know Raven, when she gets caught in a book she really gets caught in a book." Robin replied looking to Raven who nodded quickly. "Well...alright then but before you go catching yourself in a book again let me show you something." She beckoned for the both of them to follow her.

           They followed her out of the library down into a long hallway where they turned at the second door. Inside, Raven's brothers were chatting intently. Wrath had a beer in his hands and was laughing gayly. It was clear most of them were drunk with the exception of Gluttony-who drank too much of the stuff to get drunk-and sloth-who hadn't taken two sips of his beer just because. Robin's eyes nearly fell out of their sockets when he saw the scene.

              Arella sighed when she saw Robin's expression. "Mother, but shouldn't they be studying?" Raven asked, looking at her. "Yes, they should be and they did for the first couple of days but then they got bored and came here to have fun with each other." "How many bottles of that stuff have they gotten?" Robin asked. Raven looked to her brothers before looking back to Robin. "Too much, most of us can't stand to be in the same room with each other." She replied. Robin nodded realising the extent of this. 

                 Once they were back in the library, Arella turned to Raven. "So do you understand why you have to win this. And not just that, do you realize the havoc they could cause if they were to be next in line?" She asked. Raven nodded in understanding before she started to walk towards the study room which was given to her. "One more thing." Arella said and Raven turned around. "You know what will happen to you if you lose." Raven nodded, looking down ashamed at herself.

                  "Phew that was close!" Robin said when Raven finally entered the study. "Yeah, too close." Raven said sadly. Robin noticed her expression and came to her. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked. "It's nothing, I'd better get back to studying." Raven said. Robin nodded, knowing to push the matter further would probably result in a very angry Raven. 'But if only she could tell him. He knew something was wrong, he just didn't know what it was. And it was such a pity to see such a pretty face wasted.'

                     'Whoah whoah whoah! What did I just think?" Robin thought, snapping himself back into reality. 'She's supposed to be like my sister. But it was true, she is pretty. Wait a minute, am I starting to have feelings for her?" Robin asked himself as two sides of him argued back and forth. He looked at her, her seriousness which usually complimented his own, her determination and most of all, her love for her people. He looked at her dreamily wondering what the future could hold.

A/N: Ok that's the next chapter. Enjoy, vote and comment. Till nxt chapter. :)

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