Chapter 20

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A/n: Sry been very busy with performances n camp. Anyways enjoy the chapter.

   After a full night of rest, the Teen Titans met Raven in the cafeteria in the morning. 

"Knock em dead mate." Argent said in her strong Australian accent. 

"We're all rooting for you babe." Kid Flash called out.

    Raven said thanks to ever well wish she got but deep down inside, she was super nervous. Robin took her hand when she sat down with him and gave it a squeeze to reassure her. She looked to Robin with a thanks before the Lord of Games started calling them to the arena.

"Welcome back citizens of Azarath, today, we have the Test of the mind. Please help me welcome back Azar."

     Azar stepped forward. Wearing her royal blue robes today, it was clear who she was rooting for. 

"Today is the test of the mind. For this test. I have something, special prepared. Each of the royal siblings will face something so treaterous, that they will judge all logic as they know it. Begin."

First stepped Lust. He walked with his mouth open and drool coming out of it as if to show his longing nature. He stood prepared, in between a semi-circle where his test would take place. Out of a corner in the arena came 4 of Azar's most trustworthy followers. The each sat at their respective places and all of a sudden, their eyes glowed. 

      Lust closed his eyes, reading for what would come. No one knew how long he was in that dream world but soon he started screaming and shouting for help and clawing at his face, begging the monks for mercy. The monks gave him none and he was stuck in that world with his cries of terror filling the arena. After Azar knows how long, the monks snapped out of their trance and declared that Lust failed this test. 

      He walked out dejectedly. In the audience, people started whispering to each other.

"I wonder what they showed him."

"You can fail a test?"

Next came Gluttony, then Envy, then Greed, Sloth and Wrath. None of them had passed this test either and the audience was starting to believe this test was impassible. But the Titans, League and Sentinels of Magic knew that if there was one person that could pass this test, it was Raven.

"Finally, we have Raven!"

   Raven walked into the arena, head held high. She had been learning to control her inner demons even since she was in earth and was super ready.


   The monks eyes glowed again and Raven found herself in a room full of mirrors. "Look into them."  Raven found herself being dragged to one. There, she found not her reflection, but Robin's.

"You're a failure to the Teen Titans. I mean, who gives up the Earth for Trigon??? Because of some prophecy?" 

 Raven moved back in shock. Robin was never this harsh. He had always been sort of understanding of things.

"But... I stopped him. We stopped him together."

"Who cares, we wouldn't have had to stop him if you hadn't brought him in. Oh and for the record, I never loved you."

 Raven quickly moved back in terror, she was on the verge of tears when she bumped into another mirror. Inside was Starfire's voice.

"You stole him! The only boy I ever loved! And you kissed him!"

The mirror beside came Cyborg's voice.

"Creep. No wonder we never came to your test."

And from another mirror. 

"You don't belong with us. Why don't you quit the teen Titans."

Beast Boy yelled. That was enough, Raven collapsed on the ground, her hands trembling, her mouth quivering. 

"This...this is the end." She surrendered.

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