Chapter 6 Promises Dont Last Forever

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Chapter 6


"You alright love?" I heard Gavin say. I looked back at him, and simply said, "I'm fine. Just singing along with pandora."

"Alright. Just making sure." Gavin said, walking to the AH office.

I simply smiled and walked off. I heard

Michael shout my name, and I quickly ran to the podcast room.

<> Michael's P.O.V <>

I woke up, thinking about Valerie, and about last night. Was she really telling the truth about the Instagram thing? I know she's done it before, she has saved lots of lives, as so she told me. But this time, was she saving someone else, or hurting herself. I couldn't jump to conclusions and say that she didn't, even if I checked. She knew I wasn't going to check anywhere that would make uncomfortable. So she mostly likely, if she even did, cut her hips. I knew her secrets. But ,again, I couldn't jump to conclusions. I went to the bathroom, like I normally did when I woke up fully. I knocked on Val's door, before going to the bathroom, and quietly said, "Good morning Val. Time to get ready for work."

I walked into the bathroom, seeing a perfectly clean bathroom.

"Did she clean it or something?" I asked myself quietly.

Val would never do that.... What was up with her? Then I remember her words from last night. "Worthless. Bitch. You deverse all this pain. Why are you even alive? Oh? You're still alive? I thought I said kill yourself? Maybe I fucking will." Those words echoed in my head over and over again, till I saw something in the corner of my eye. Blood.

"Nice try Val." I said smiling. I know that sounds mean, but I couldn't help it knowing I was right. I slowly opened Valerie's door, and was presented an empty room. Where did she go? I searched Val's room seeing if she left anything essential to work. I stopped when I saw a blade, covered in blood, stuck in the wall. I take it out, just for proof, and walk downstairs, after changing into actual clothes. I was about to walk out into my car, when I noticed something on the welcome mat. It was a nots from Val, saying that she jogged to work because she was bored. I shrugged, and got into my car. I walked into the building, seeing Val, just standing there. I run inside and said, "Valerie!" She turned and slightly looked at me, before bolting into the podcast room.

"What you what from her? Did she screw Gavin in your bed or something?" Ryan said, scaring the shit out of me.

"No. I found this in her room." I replied holding up the blade.

"W-Wait, di-di-did she?" Ryan asked shaking.

"Yes. I don't know what caused it, or where she got it, but I do know, she did in fact do it." I said.

"Are you going to tell Gavin? He is the one who cares about her the most except you." Ryan asked steadying himself.

"I need to, but I-I don't know how to." I replied looking at the ground. Before Ryan could say anything else I put the blade into my pocket, and put a smile on my face, walking to the AH office. "Don't you share a soul, Ryan. I'll tell them later."

The day carried on and I told everyone but Gavin. Everyone was so worried, I couldn't bear to think about how Gavin would react. I slowly walked up to Gavin, shaking, and asked him, "Aye, Gav? Could I talk to you in private for a bit?"

"Of course! You okay Micoo?" He said. He was so bubbly, and happy, and I just have to rain on his parade. I couldn't do it. I didn't say a word, but instead I showed him the blade, and pointed to his lock screen.

"N-no! Sh-she would never! Val isn't that girl!" Gavin screamed running away into the room that Valerie was in. I just sat there, staring blankly at the floor. Geoff came up behind me and simply said,

"It had to be done Michael. You had to do it."

I didn't respond, I just nodded. I knew he was right, but to make his day all shitty like that?!?!?! I couldn't take it. I walked out of the office and drove home. I ran upstairs, flopped on the bed, and thought, 'Promises don't last forever Michael. Promises don't last forever.' Those words kept replaying through my head, till I fell asleep.

<> Valerie's P.O.V <>

I heard Gavin scream, then he appeared in front of me. He had a blood soaked blade in his hand, and tears were falling one after another. He gave me the blade, and I looked at him in confusion.

"Don't ever do it again love. I love you so much Valerie. Please, don't ever leave me. I need you here with me." Gavin said, hugging me then kissing my forehead. I didn't know what to say, or what to do.

"How'd you find out?" I managed to ask.

"Micoo found it along with a blood stain in the bathroom." Gavin said, not letting go of me. "Just, don't ever do it again. Promise?"

"Promise." I said letting go of Gavin.

"I love you Valerie." Gavin said walking out of the room. I just sat there, smiling like an idiot. Gavin Free just told me he loved me.

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