Chapter 17 The Surprise

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Chapter 17


<>The Day Of RTX<>

"See you soon love!" I say to Gavin as I walk away from his signing booth. I was wearing his sweater that smelt like perfume with a bit of cologne. It was a vanilla mixed with a freshly showered Gavin. This was the sweater he always wears around the house. All my perfume must have worn off on him. I hugged myself tightly, feeling Gavin still in this sweater. I know that sounds weird but, I felt as if he was walking with me still, and he was wearing this sweater. So I hugged him. Well, me but him but me.......

Anyways, I walked around the convention, giving out a few hugs here and there. I saw Lindsay walking around as well, so I went up to talk to her.

"Don't you need to be getting ready for the big 'Achievement Hunter Extravaganza'?" I ask, spreading my arms across the air indicating it was big.

"Oh. SHIT!" Lindsay said becoming Flash in a flash. Dat pun doe. "See you there Pyrrha."

Yes. I was becoming Pyrrha Nikos for the surprise. I felt she was the most different from me, and the most unrecognizable. I even got red hair spray, and green contact lenses. I hate touching my eye, so that was going to be so much fun. I already got my costume in my drawstring bag that I carry everywhere I travel too. The skirt was just short enough to show a few lines but I'd cover them with foundation.

I walked around the convention some more, stopping every so often to check the time. A few people came up to me and hugged me and asked for my autograph and I felt so special in those moments. So wanted. I stopped once more before realizing I had to be in the front row, sitting right in front of my love in less than a minute. I was pushing everybody out of the way, scrambling to get there in time. There was a huge line still, but I told everybody I was allowed to.

I was walking down when a pair of arms grabbed me by the waist and starting I started to push away instantly. After Ray trying to kiss me I've been super jumpy. Even towards Gavy. The hands moved to my bum, and I quickly smacked them off. But the hands would stop. And I was completely oblivious to who the hands belonged to. I don't know who it would be. Not any of the guys, not Lindsay. I was so confused, and focused on figuring out who it was, I didn't realize we were on the wall, and I was pushed up against the wall. He started at my shirt, but I was frozen. I didn't know what to do. I stood there like a complete idiot, waiting for someone to come to my rescue. I heard a high-pitched scream, and then a shout for Gavin, as the hands disappeared from my hips. I could hear the footsteps of the hands' owner. I curled up in a ball, slid down against a wall, and started to ball. I got picked up by Michael, I could tell by his breathing and the way he held me. He knew I wouldn't change position so he knew to hold me like a baby. It's the only way. He set me on the couch backstage, letting everybody crowd around me. I was silently crying, and internal screaming. I looked up, and scanned for missing faces. Michael, Gavin, Ray, and Lindsay were the only ones missing.

"R-Ray? Why would he d-d-do it?" I quietly said, my body trembling in the comfort of the couch. I heard a scream from afar, causing me to jolt up, and sprint toward the sound. I looked up slightly to see Lindsay, turning away from the scene that lied ahead of her.

"V-V-Val! Don't. You'll want to go back. I can't let you through. Plus we need to get onto stage soon, so you're replacing Ray." Lindsay said, making her arms a barrier.

"B-But I can't." I replied.

"Why not."

"Because you know......Pyrrha." I nudged Lindsay.

"Oh..... Yeah, bout dat."


"Burnie was talking to us about who you were going to be so we knew, and Gavin overheard the whole thing so that's off. Welcome to Achievement Hunter!" Lindsay said hugging me, and carrying me away from the situation that was still going behind us. I called Michael's name, and he practically flashed over here.

"Hey, um........ Could you save some Ray so I can beat his ass as well?" I questioned. "Plus I'm going to replace Ray on stage in like, a minute. So yay. GAVIN! GET YOUR ARSE OVER HERE!"

"Yes love?"

"Imma be sitting by you in like, a minute." I say jumping up and down. He hugs me and I kinda jolt backwards.

"Oh I'm sorry. I forgot the whole thing. We're going to say Ray got sick and can't make it so your second best." Gavin said, rubbing his arm in uncomfortableness.

"It's okay love. I understand you want to hug me, and kiss me, and smile at me when you say goodnight, or hold hands. And I should let you do that. No need to hide or affection." I said, leaning my head on his shoulder. They told us to go on 30 seconds later, the train ending with Michael. I sat in between Gavin and Michael. I saw everybody's whispers, as Geoff stood up and introduced us. He explained that Ray was "sick", and I realized everybody's whispers became smiles. We all talked, on and on and on, until question time.

"What were your first jobs?" One fan asked.

"I was a professional model for a few years." I said. Everybody looked at me.

"Why didn't you stay a model?" Gavin asked, turning to me.

"Because they were going to put me in underwear modeling and I didn't feel like showing off that. I'd rather be a fully clothed slut, then a half-naked slut." I said, turning towards Gavin, our noses almost touching. He pecked my cheek, and everybody awed, as we continued the questions.

"This question is for Valerie and Gavin. When's the wedding?" Another fan asked, the crowded roaring behind him.

"Not for at least a year. Maybe 2. If I can wait that long." I said, giggling to myself.

"Excited to get in his pants aren't cha?" Geoff commented. I mentally faceplamed.

"No. A wedding doesn't necessarily have to be the first time." I replied.

"So you've done it before?" Geoff asked. Both me and Gavin were completely red.

"No! I'm saying, a wedding doesn't declare your first time. It could have been before, or even after. I'm but saying anything about Gavin and I's relationship." I said, calming my red face down a bit. "The honeymoon though. That declares your first time, if you haven't done it before."

"True. Okay well, next!" Geoff said as the next person approached the microphone.

A lot of the other questions were about game plays or just super random questions. But there was one person who asked how I got me job. I replied honestly and told him I just got an application.

And another one was when we first starting actually dating, not the day that we told the world.

"Well, about a week later, I believe we told you guys. I'm not that type of person who would keep it a secret for a long time. Everybody in the office had known about it 2-3 days after we were official, but they kinda found out. We didn't really tell them." I said.

We eventually finished, as Gavin and I split ways, again. I stayed close by, not wanted to wonder to far away. I saw Burnie in the distance and attached to him before he could recognize my face. Burnie and I wonder around the rest of the time, until it was time to go home.

A/N: This chapter seems really short to me. I'm sorry. I kinda have writers block but idk. The next chapter is going to be a little bit different than anything else I've written before so, prepare yourselves. You'll need it.

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