Chapter 5 Doing it Again

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Chapter 5


Warning: May trigger. Read at your own risk.

Michael and I got home, and I instantly got my headphones out and plugged them into my phone. Before opening Pandora, I had to tell Michael something.

"Don't leave me alone at all today. Please." I said. Michael had a concerned look on his face, but shrugged it off and followed my orders. He never questioned me because he knew I wouldn't reply. It was no use. Michael eventually had to go to sleep, which left me alone, with no one near me but music. I slowly walked into the bathroom, after getting something from behind my dresser. Apparently Michael hadn't fallen asleep yet and he just HAD to get a glass of warm milk so he could fall asleep.

"Whatcha doing Val?" Michael asked.

"Just going to the bathroom." I said smiling. I walked into the bathroom, and waited till I heard a door close. I wasn't sure if it was Michael's, so I peeked out the bathroom, to see Michael walking up the stairs. I soon realize that it was the closet door closing.

"Smart one Val." I mumbled to myself.

Michael closes his bedroom door and I sigh.

"Here we go again." I said giggling, and side smiling.

I start shaking, like I normally did when I used to do this. I slide down my shorts, and a tear slipped from my face when I saw all the faded scars left from the same exact blade I was holding. I press the medal against my skin, as I think of all my flaws. One flaw, one cut. I slid the blade across my hip, and the blood came out instantly. Another year fell, as another cut came to my hip. I slid the blade across the last clean part of my hip there was left. This time the blood dripped, the same time my tear fell, causing them to mix as they fell onto the tiles. I moved on to my other hip, leaving almost no pieces of skin showing on my hip. I sat on the bathroom floor, shaking, and continuing to cry.

"Worthless. Ugly. Fat. Go kill yourself. Nobody likes you. Fat ugly slut. Cunt. Bitch." I mumbled every word anybody had said to me to make me do this.

"You deverse all this pain. Why are you even alive? Oh? You're still alive? I thought I said kill yourself? Maybe I fucking will." I said a bit too loud.

"Val! Are you alright?!?!?!" I heard Michael scream as he ran past the bathroom.

"I'm fine Michael! Just couldn't go to sleep. And I was just reading some picture on Instagram. Helping a friend get through this, isn't exactly easy." I said lying. I tried looking as happy as I could, cleaned up the bathroom, and flushed the toilet to act like I went to the bathroom. I quickly changed into long pajama pants, hiding any blood that had dripped down my leg.

"Alright Val. But do you mind if I check you? Just to make sure?" Michael asked. Michael has always known about this. He caught me one time, and that's when I promised I wouldn't do it again. I gladly accepted, only because I knew he wouldn't check that far. He looked at my wrists, thighs, and every where else, expect my privates, and my hips. He wasn't going to invade my privacy.

"Okay. Valerie Rose Jones, you promised you'd stop. You better keep that promise. Please, don't leave." Michael said hugging me tightly.

"Michael, I promise. I won't leave. I swear. Just stop interrogating me, and let this woman sleep!" I said running into my room. I still had the blade in my hand, so I probably wouldn't stop cutting. But Michael had no clue. So I was all good. I couldn't stop just yet. It was too addicting. Like everyone says, 'Beauty is what is inside.', so I wanted some beauty on the outside. I started to shake again, and continued to cut, but this time I cut my stomach. I eventually stopped, and I threw the blade across my room.

"Shit. It's 5AM. I have to go to work in 2 hours." I said as I stared to clean up the blood. I plugged in my headphones and put on 'Warrior' by Demi Lovato.

I finished cleaning and checked the itime. 6:56AM the clock read. Time another day at work. I got ready in some white capris, I didn't want to take any chances, a plain, black V-neck, and some white shoes. I decided I'd jog to work today, because why not, so I left Michael a note, and went on my merry way. I was listening to 'Warrior' the whole way there, so I got it stuck in my head. When I arrived at work, I was humming it, as I just smiled at all my co-workers. I started to sing it as Gavin walked by, and of course, it was at the part that said, "I've got shame, I've got scars that I'll never show!", and Gavin gave me a weird look.

"You okay love?" Gavin asked me.

<> A/N Hello everyone! This is a rather short chapter, but I'm really proud of myself for getting through this chapter. It was getting really emotional, and I just had to end it here. Hope you still liked it. :3 <>

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