Chapter 16 RTX

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Chapter 16


I woke up on the couch, with a peaceful, beautiful and blonde girl laying next to me. Val had one arm on my chest, and the other one. She always slept in a ball, like a little kitten against my chest, lifting every time I inhaled. I inhaled deeply to capture her perfume that smelt like vanilla. I smiled, I love that about her. Always smelling like vanilla. Her blonde, with a hint of lavender, locks were snuggled underneath my chin. After admiring the beautiful women in my arms I looked to the next sleeping being. This one was a monster. There was a snoring Michael in the recliner across the room, spread amongst the whole chair. He was in the process of eating pizza as he fell asleep, drool dripping onto the pizza as well. His glasses were atop his forehead, on the verge of breaking. How are they even related? It reminded me of Monsters Inc., a movie Valerie was dying to show me. I smiled at the though of her knowing every words to the movie, practically mocking there every move.


She mocking there every move, as she lay on my lap. She knew Little Free was being naughty, so she sat up and just leaned on the armrest. I sighed, knowing she wasn't going to cuddle me till Little Free calmed down.

"You okay love?" Val said, eyeing Little Free in the process. The way she mocked my accent made Little Free even more excited, causing me to excuse myself to the washroom. I slapped myself, thinking of what uncomfortableness this has brought to the table. I spent almost 30 minutes in the bathroom, it not making a difference. She laughed at me, still shirtless from when I splashed water in my faced. I blushed, and looked away.

"Little Free acting up tonight? I can't wait till me have kids and we accidentally nickname him Little Free. Going to be real confusing." Val said, giggling to herself after she finished. She kissed my forehead and went upstairs to go take a bath after the movie. She decided to have a waffle as well because Michael had made tacos that night. She said goodnight, and went back upstairs again. I decided I would get her ice cream, and I know how much she loves sherbet ice cream.

<>Flashback End<>

I smiled as Valerie, woke up, jumping when she realized she was literally on top of me.

"Gavy.... I'm sorry. I-I-I didn't. I mean, I love you but, i-i-i-if I got caught like that, both of us would be dead. You know this." Val said, leaning on the armrest just as she last night.

"Remember? He's okay with us. He wouldn't kill us Val." I said, kissing her forehead. "But we do have work. Have to get up."

"Okay. I'll be upstairs. Love ya bæ." Val said, untangling our hands.

<>Valerie's P.O.V<>

I went upstairs leaving Gavin to awaken Mogar himself. I grabbed a pair of washed-out shorts and a RWBY Three Beowolf Moon shirt. I took a quick shower, changed into my clothes, and put on my navy flats. I ran downstairs, grabbed a waffle and put it in the toaster. Once it popped up, I spread cream cheese over it. I made one for Gavy and Bro Bro as well, repeating the same process. Gavin got done first, and instead of taking his own, he took a bite out of mine, while I was trying to. He took a larger bite afterwards, leaving only a little piece of waffle between our lips. I took the last bite, kissing the majestic lips of Gavin David Free in the process. I finished chewing, and kissed him again, this time, a bit more furiously. He pushed me against the kitchen counter, kissing my harder as well. Michael broke apart saying, "Make room for Jesus!" and eating his waffle afterwards.

"It's the waffles fault." I said, raising my hand as if under arrest. We all laughed and sat in Michael's car as he drove to work. Shortly after, we arrived at the office, being greeted by many more people than usual. Michael stopped Barbra, and asked if she knew where the RTX meeting is today and she said, outside in the back. We all walked back there, eyes bulging when we saw the crowd. Everybody was outside, talking about the plans for RTX. There was a smaller group next to it for the Achievement Hunters. I decided I would join Michael and Gavin or there instead of the huge socialization group next to us.

"Val....... Um, I'm sad to say this but, I don't believe you are going on any panels with us, or any panels at all. You might do a few signings, but you're not one of the super big people. I'm really sorry but, you can always be watching us." Geoff said, going through his notes as he began saying the schedule for RTX. I died a little inside, but I got over it fast because I knew I would be in the crowd cheering for them. I knew I wouldn't see much of any Achievement Hunters because all the signings I'm in are for just Rooster Teeth. Just then I heard Burnie scream my name, so I quickly ran over to his side.

"I'm sure Geoff told you, but I have the perfect plan." Burnie said winking.

"And this isssssssss?" I asked.

"You'll bring a costume, like Ruby or Yang or someone to cosplay as, then when the question part of the Achievement Hunter part, go up there as your character and see if they notice you. Ask any question, just make sure they don't suspect a thing. Okay? I wanna see how it works out.'" Burnie said.

"Okay, I can do that. Without them knowing a thing." I said with mischievous eyes.

"K. Thanks. Carry on." Burnie said. I went inside, grabbed some red bulls and sat on the AH couch.

"This couch is so comfortable." I said into the armrest. Somebody came and sat next to me. I didn't bother to see who I was, but all that I know is that he tried kissing me. He tried bringing ibis face closer to mind and pushed my head forward. When our lips were almost touching, I moved the man's hands, and stood up. Then, I could see who this man really was.

"R-R-R-Ray???????" I watched Ray shake his head yes. "How could you??????? To me, to Vav! Ray, fuck off. Leave my presence. I don't want to speak to you anymore." Ray left without another word, leaving me in the room by myself. Why would Ray do that? He knows that Gavy and I are dating! Why would he do that to us?!?!?! Why would he try?!?!?!?!?! I was on the verge of crying, so I left the room, and the building, I left work. I called Gavy, making sure he knew where I went and what happened.

"Hello?" Gav said into the phone.

"Hello love. I left work for a little breather. I need a little space from the office for a bit. I'll be back soon, don't worry." I quickly said.

"You okay? What happened?" Gav asked, concern in his voice. I could hear Michael in the background, yelling at Gav to give him the phone.

"Uh, about that........... So you know Ray." I started. I could hear everybody know, Gav put me on speaker phone. I could hear Geoff cursing at Ray, and I knew this was going to be hard. "Do I need to be on speaker phone love?"

"Yes. Everybody needs to know." Gav answered.

"Fine. Okay welllllllllll, iwassittingonthecouchandraycameandtriedtokissmeidkwhybuthedidandineedabreak." I said, as fast as possible.

"What?" They said in sync. "Ray. Sit. Down."

"Do I need to repeat myself orrrrrrr?" I asked trying to break some of the tension.

"All I heard was Ray tried to kiss you. I think we all know the point." Michael said. I could tell everybody as staring at Ray, and nobody would listen when I asked not to hurt him. I just hung-up not wanting to here the rest. I was at the house soon after I ended the call, meaning I had two hours till I was back at the office. I'm sure everybody understood that I just needed to get away for a bit.


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