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2,000 people is a lot you know. Like a lot a lot. Like a fuck ton. And to have That many people supporting you and encouraging you to continue with life, and in this case a book/story is really cool. Or as Geoff would say, that's cool as dicks. Tehehehehehehehhe. You all are so kind to actually look at this story and be like, this is cool I should read more. All 2.02K of you are all amazing, wonderful, beautiful people and I want to hug you. I don't care who you are. I really just wanna have like a sleepover thing so I can met all of you and get to know all of you. Like 2.02K is a lot of people. Like a lot. And I couldn't thank you enough for the support and the encouragement from every single one of you. I love you a so much. If it weren't for all of you, I don't this story would've not even gotten to Chapter 19. Yeah, I know so cliche Vicky, but I don't give a shit. It's amazing that 2.02K of you would actually look and view this story enough to make me want to continue, enough to make me live the rest of my life. I love you soooooooooooo much and I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving, a very merry Christmas, and if you have a birthday, a amazing birthday. I wish I could say more but I would repetitively say thanks and that 2.02K is a lot of people, and I'm sure you don't want to hear that over and over.

On the other hand, ITS SNOWING. THAT MEANS ITS WINTER. Why do I live in a state that's so north? That means more snow. ;~;
If any of you live more up north, drive safe. Please. The roads can get really bad up here so please, for me, try and avoid any crashes at all costs. There has already been a crash over where I live and I don't want that happening to you.

Be safe
Drive safe
Stay amazing
Get RoosterTeeth's game
And lastly, and most important of all,
Thank you for supporting/encouraging me.

~<3 Vicky.

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